Saturday, September 12, 2009

Celebrate You

Today is a day to celebrate.

Happy one month since I started at Disney!!

Wow, one month. Can you believe it? I certainly can't, despite having lived through it all. But it is official. In fact, looking at the time, I'd say I was knee-deep in fellow interns waiting in line at this time a month ago.

And now? Now I'm sitting at a table, typing away, looking forward to a twelve hour shift and wondering if I have time to go pick up some sunscreen, although it looks like rain so perhaps I won't need it as much.

Glamorous, no?

But, in my looking back on this month and all the things that have gone on, well...damn, I did a lot! And yet, there's still SO much more I've been wanting to do. Maybe finish unpacking? Yes, you heard me: it's been a month since I got here and I've still got items to unpack. I also absolutely want to start resort hopping. I've met so many people staying at a variety of different resorts, and although I know some of them either by having stayed there or having wanted to stay there, I still have so many more to go.

Today is also a day to celebrate one thing I know I want to do: The Tomorrowland Transit Authority re-opened today! I was hoping (and still kind of am) to get in a ride before I start work. We'll see how that one goes :P

Having been here a month, I can say with no doubt that I really need to manage my time a little more. Just with this blog alone - the updates have been spotty, entries are incomplete. I haven't even mentioned yesterday's encounter with a Yeti! But it's this process of organization that I need to get a better hold on. There's bills and loans to pay, laundry to do, food to buy, dishes to wash. I need to book my travel to and from the airport, need to take care of my family's travel plans, need to send out notes and e-mails and thank yous (people will still accept them even if they're over a month late, right?) and then comes all the personal fun stuff, like resort hopping and exploring the parks, water parks, and minigolfs. And the local areas too! Apparently there's a mall around here, and while current money issues mean that I'm not super ready to shop, I would like to know where everyone's going to get their clothes. Besides that, it's Florida! I should be exploring the touristy and the natural alike!

The fun part of this is actually doing it, and that's going to be made a heck of a lot more fun starting on September 21st. This is when my Marketing You course starts up, eating away more of my time.

Mom was right, I should get the fun stuff done now.

But this is a celebratory post, not a let's-assess-the-future post. It should be mostly celebratory anyway. The last month has been full of events. I've gotten to go on tours of the Magic Kingdom, gotten to go behind the scenes of one of my favorite rides, gotten to go on a bunch of my favorite rides, got to meet characters, got to have a delicious chocolate chip muffin (Starring Rolls ftw!). I've met people from all over the country, and even all over the world, finally got to see Newsies, learned some Spanish, learned some sign language, expanded my Disney knowledge with a couple trivia quizzes, and even went on a few new-to-me rides and attractions. And let's not forget that amazing (and amazingly long) 19 hour trip down here. My car still groans every time I mention going back.

In thinking about it, one of the nicest things about this past month has been the fact that I've actually been out there doing things. I've been going to parks, exploring the area, making myself dinner, and just generally not lazing around, staring at a tv. True, I could be doing more, and I want to, but I do feel a special little sense of pride in reviewing what I've done over this past month.

But there's still plenty more to do, and if I'm going to do it all, I must "tighten up" as my trainer Lisa would say. At the least, I really should make that Disney to-do list both the recruiter and my Mom suggested I make. Along with a normal to-do list of course.

But one month, wow. I can't say that it's just flown by, because it really hasn't, but it has moved at a fairly quick and steady pace. And within that span of time, I've done a lot, seen a lot, ate a lot, and encountered more than I ever would have done at home.

Ha, I say this being all optimistic, and then it hits me that I'm working twelve hours today AND it's Night of Joy. Talk about an experience :P

By the way, it may just be me, but when I was starting up my computer this morning, a thought occurred to me: the name "Disney Consumer Products" sounds like something bland and uninviting, something that's slapped on the side of a low, industrial-style building or a blank white truck. They're creative with their products, how about throwing a little imagination towards the name? I'm not sure if it's "consumer", "products", or just the whole phrase "consumer products" that's throwing me off.

That was random :P

It's about time to get started doing stuff. I'm not sure what stuff exactly, since I'd like to do a variety of things and find my time to be rather restricted. But even if it's just reading the new Eyes and Ears, I should go do something.

Hooray for the TTA being open again! If I don't see you today, I'll definitely see you real soon.

Happy one month ^-^

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