Monday, September 21, 2009

She's a filthy girl

I just washed my face with Apricot scrub, and because Alex is still working, I'm getting ready for bed in a room all by myself. It reminds me so much of my college dorm at Lewis...

Anyway, this'll have to be quick, as I'm really tired and tomorrow's my first day of Marketing You, so I'd like to at least look like I'm awake. This morning I woke up in the middle of a dream again. This time I was living with a host family of Christians. I was lecturing them because I felt that they should be Christian because of the possibility of there being no God, and yet believing in a God anyway because that was their choice of faith. Not just being Christian to be Christian and to follow along with everyone else that they knew, which is what they were doing. Needless to say, this brought our relationship to a really uncomfortable level, not to mention that everyone else in town wasn't happy to see me. Awkward.

I woke up, stumbled around for a little bit, and after seeing bits and pieces of the first X-Files movie, which Rut(h) was watching, headed off to work. I brought a sandwich in the sandwich holder my Mom got me! Work I was stuck in Fairfax on register for about four hours, which wasn't...terrible...but there were issues with my computer not registering when I touched it, one of the soda fountains being broken and spraying foamy soda spray all over, and the Yungling (I'll spell it right later :P ) running out in the middle of a two-drink order. Then it was all foamy...blah. The Guests were all right, although I did have this one guy and his son who decided to stand at the window next to mine. So whereas it was obvious that there were three registers open (because there were three lines of people), they decided that the fourth one was open and chose it, despite there being no one there and no one showing up to take their order after five minutes. Eventually I leaned over and asked what they'd wanted (wasn't sure if they were just taking in the air at first) and the guy said he wanted a bottle of water. I motioned him to come to my window, or at least in my line, and he got a little snappy, saying that we should've had a sign saying the register was closed. Granted, but c'mon people, use your brains. If there's lines of people, no lines at one window, and no one's coming to that window while the other people working hard at the registers are taking orders...doesn't it seem a little obvious?

I just blamed it on vacation brain. And the heat. Sure, why not?

I could've acted a little better though. I mean, I apologized, and I got him his water quickly, but I could've done better I suppose. At least been a little friendlier.

Oh, and a woman and her family ordered seven ice waters. That was fun to do :P

Ice water is free, you see, but there's a two-fold problem. First, water isn't just a button one presses; it's a little tab that one must push and hold and keep an eye on while the cup fills. Second, for whatever reason, the tops to the regular-sized cups are just a pain in the ass to get on. They don't just slide on the cup, you really have to press and bend and hope that the side of the top doesn't get all bent inward, because then it'll never stay on. And even when it seems like the top's on, you have to check, because they like to look like they're on, but not stay sealed. The large drinks actually work.

But yeah, seven ice waters, woo!

My break eventually came, and with it was a bit of the Bears/Steelers game. Pitsburg was up by 7 when I had to leave, but it was nice to see a little bit of Chicago via the external stadium shots. Then it was off to bussing, which I like because I can meet people. I met someone from Algonquin and a husband and wife from Peoria today, which is nice because it's kind of like randomly being connected to home. Things started to get a little crazy as dinner-time rolled around and people started lining up for Fantasmic. It got so busy, all the tables were full. People lept for tables as soon as they were open, and in one case, it looked like the new family was sitting at the table waiting for the old family to finish up. I was called over a bunch of times by different people wanting their tables cleaned, which was fine, and kind of fun because I got to talk to people.

I had a hard time understanding the littlest kids though, and it's not just because they mumble something fierce. My ear's been bothering me the past couple of days, and today it was stuffy. That made Fairfax really "fun" with our fans blowing and people talking quietly, but out amongst the people, it was really really "fun".

And speaking of fun, as I tossed some trash out for this one family, I spotted the man of the group wearing what looked like a Hawaiian shirt, but with the sharks from Finding Nemo all over it. I complemented him on it, cause it was totally cool, and he told me that he'd been getting compliments all day. People had also been asking him if he was a doctor or a dentist, which made sense, he said, what with all the teeth. No, it seemed like his wife had made the shirt for him. They left, and not two minutes later, he was back. It seemed he might've thrown his Key To The World out with the trash.

This is his hotel key, so you know, but it's also a park ticket AND connected to a credit card. It really is a key to the world. He'd checked all his pockets and all the little pocketted bags that tourists carry, and had found nothing. Knowing how important it was, having one myself as a momento from my vacation, I walked over to the trashcan and began digging through.

Yeah, that was fun.

I didn't want to take out the bag, fearing that it might shift everything around, but I was having no luck. Another busser stopped by and said I should remove the bag from the can, which I did, and then it was partially open on the ground and I was still sifting through it. Mind you, I did have the fantastic Disney-issued plastic gloves on, but the guy was trying to reach through with his own hands. No good; I kept looking for him. Still nothing...but then he remembered...maybe possibly...wrapping the key in a receipt.

He checked one more pocket...and there it was.


Well it was good that he found it, and he thanked me for digging through trash for him, which was fine. He left, and now I was faced with having a trashbag sitting out in front of the Guests. Now, really, I should've gotten another trashbag to replace the one I'd been digging through, and tossed that full trashbag away. But I couldn't just leave an open garbage pail and a bag of trash on stage. And I had run into another problem.

In order to make sure that while I was searching the trash no one would toss any more in on top of me, I had used a tray to block the flaps. But then, when I couldn't see into the trash pail in the trash can, I had moved the trash pail out and into the light. And then I shut the door. Problem? The way we open the door in the side of the trashcan is by reaching through the flaps. And these flaps were now blocked by the tray.

I had a locked garbage can.

By this point, Tiffany, one of the girls I work with, had wandered by, and I laughingly told her what happened while trying to jam my fingers beneath one of the flaps towards the door. After a couple of finger-squishing pushes - success! I managed to pop the door and remove the tray. I asked Tiffany to please get me a new trash bag, figuring she'd understand why I'd want to replace the one in the pail as she'd closed trash the past two nights in a row. She got two for me, and was even so kind as to tie them like we're supposed to. I had intended to then take the trash bag I'd been searching through to the trash compactor, but ran into yet another problem when I realized that as I walked, I was leaving a trail. Garbage juice was leaking from the bag and across the pavement as I walked. Luckily, I saw a trash cart on the Produce side of Sunset, and managed to get the bag in there. I felt bad about the trail, but what could I do? I stole the trash cart, although honestly I didn't see anyone around using it anyway, and managed to get the trash to the compactor. As I tossed the bag in through the side door, I was rewarded with garbage juice leaking out of the bag and into my sock and shoe.

And then I was assigned to trash.

I ended the night by giving Tiffany a ride home (it was the least I could do after she'd been so kind to help me out), and although I knew I needed more hand soap and to figure out whether or not I needed the book for my first day of class tomorrow, I ended up lounging on the couch, watching the Emmys, and thinking that maybe being a writer in a group might be good way to get superly creative.

Although I'd still like to write on my own too.

I'm sure there's more that I've forgotten, but it's definitely time for bed.

Oh, and I was talking to Amanda, and apparently in the UK part of Epcot, there's an Eeyore that likes to kiss young women up and down the arm. I don't quite know how to feel about that...but it kind of creeps me out a little.

Oh! And Tiffany said that when she was coming back from her break, she got to see one of the character golf carts backstage with people like Meeko and Pocahontas and Goofy and Max! I need to see more of those carts; they're so cool ^-^

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