Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Well while I should be updating...

This morning I woke up and I felt kind of...bummed.

Well no wait, first I was tired, then, as I was coming back from my mini-trip to Walmart, I started feeling bummed.

I'm not sure exactly why either. I mean, yeah, I just had two days off and now I've gotta go back into work. I'm sure that's contributing. But this bummed feeling, it's a little more empty than the usual "Work...ugh" feeling.

I hypothesize that it has something to do in part with my going to the Magic Kingdom yesterday. Yesterday was great, by the way, and I intend to do a full update on it (just like everything else, right?). Anyway, in short, yesterday I met some characters, got some hugs, had some fun, it was rather pleasant. But today I'm guessing it's reminding me of my family, of home, of being at Disney for vacation, not for work.

I mean, when I was here in October, I was out and about doing as I pleased. And that's how it was yesterday: I wandered around and did what I felt like and just generally enjoyed myself. But today, instead of my going to the parks again or having to sadly leave, I'm going to work. None of that vacation freedom today, at least, not unless I bring a change of clothes and have the energy once Hollywood Studios closes. I guess I'm just missing that "vacation enjoyment" aspect of Disney. I mean, it's absolutely wonderful that I can get into the parks, and for free at that, but I find it's just a little bit of a downer to come back and think "I've gotta go to Walmart tomorrow" instead of "I gotta get some sleep so I can be first on Expedition Everest tomorrow".

And then there's the family aspect. Not that I don't like my roommates, but I don't think they're exactly keen on giving out random hugs (except one, but that's her job). Back at home, it wasn't like my family had Tanner family hug-a-thons, but there was some contact, even if it was just shoving my sister out of the way.

Meeting those characters yesterday and getting showered in hugs and kisses (wow, what a trip) reminded me today of the closeness I had with my family. I know, I know, it sounds weird, but I believe physical contact is important, or at least a sense of connection with those around you. Sitting in a room watching tv with three other family members or close friends is a heck of a lot different from sitting in a room watching tv with three roommates.

Naturally, I would start thinking of these things before going to work :P

I think I might just be a little homesick, although I'd figure if I were, I'd be leaping to make my flight registrations now. Instead, I'm noticing the time and thinking that it would probably be a very good idea to start getting ready for work. I'm also a little miffed because I'm trying to register for one of the Disney University events and it's just not happening. I get taken to the Disney Development Connection webpage, but any link I click on brings me right back to that front page. It's very frustrating, especially when there isn't anyone to really ask. I think, when I stopped by Vista Way one day, I tried asking one of the girls in the computer lab how to register, and I got an answer that went something like "You click on there and...register?"

Yeah, I need to investigate this a little more.

Anyway, I know I've been behind in updates. I'm also behind in sending out postcards and e-mails and clearing out my inbox. Needless to say, I need to get started on this, so maybe I can give that a shot tonight. For now though, the clock is ticking, both down to work and on this limited registration event I was so hoping to do. Did I mention that I e-mailed the Disney heritage group at one point (since they're the ones that put these events on) asking them how to register and never got a response?

I think I'm also just a little annoyed.

Ha...I just got asked how to make grilled cheese.

Time for work then. Woo.

And then hopefully, hopefully, I'll get to updating. I mean, for goodness sakes, it's about time, right?

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