Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bob Iger is the highest ever

Jenny's internet stalking a guy she works with.
Not really, but sort of.

Anyway, let's have a mini mathmatically-themed moment, which is something I never thought I'd hear myself say.

A week from today, I'll be home.
A week and three days from now, I'll be back, and starting my second round of the college program.
A week and three days and two months from now, my family will be arriving.
A two weeks and two months from now, my family will be heading home.
Three months from today, I'll be a college program alumni and heading home.

This was all realized as I was driving through the parking lot after I got off work tonight.

I can't believe I'll be home in a week. I hope I feel better before then. I also can't believe that I've reached that point of my college program. I don't feel like I'm approaching the halfway point. In my mind, this trip's just something of a weekend trip, and then sometime in the future I'll have THE big trip back home. I know that's not the case, but it feels like that. And walking by the pool tonight (having gotten a Coke because I'm not feeling well), I realized I'd never visited the pool, one of many things I just haven't done yet. And I'm almost halfway through.

And I'm really surprised that it's exactly three months until the end of my program. Not that three months isn't a long time, because it is. But looking at things and realizing that I'm a little over a week away from the two month marker, and knowing that I've still done so little of what I'd wanted to accomplish, three months seems very long and yet so very short.

I really need to make a list of all the things I want to do there.
And then I should really do them.

Maybe tomorrow. I'm feeling very tired now, and I still need to try to advance a little more in my homework. Of course, I could've done it instead of watching most of Bolt, but ah well.

Speaking of Bolt, watching it was...interesting. I had wondered what it would be like seeing the castle logo at the beginning of the film, since I've seen the really-for-real castle quite a few times now. I don't think it's less magical, not terribly anyway. But watching the movie tugged on my memory a little and made me think about Blockbuster: watching it there, trying to hear it over customers, seeing it over and over again. And thinking then about now, about being on the program, about getting out of Blockbuster, of freedom and of being with Disney. It seems like such a long while ago... not that it was, and it doesn't even have that "other life" feeling that I get with some of my memories. It's the past.

I saw Entertainers shedding characters this morning. Goliath was chilling on a golf cart, and Leo from Little Einsteins was shedding his...her?...body? It was neat ^-^ Before that, I saw a Sully skin being carted around in a golf cart. It took up most of the cart!

Apparently Avril Lavigne was at Hollywood Studios the other day.
And while she didn't buy any food from me, she did write a song about me. Alex guessed it correctly - it's about how she's a rock star, and I'm an ice cream girl. But, like two flavors on a cone, we'll get together and be one.

Alex called me such an English major for that one.

Amanda was there at some point too, and tried waving and calling out my name, but I was in Farefax and busy and I missed it.

Oh, and Jenny's friend Carter's at the hospital. He's got a bronchial infection and an upper respiratory infection.

And Swine Flu.

He's planning to go to work tomorrow too! He doesn't have any more days off he can spare.
I wonder if Disney'll give you a point off for not coming in due to Swine Flu.

Fun times :)

Oh, and the title refers to part of the discussion I just overheard. Almost all of the roommates were home and awake for the first time in a long time, since we took the group pictures actually. Five out of six of us. Anyway, Amanda was asking who Meg Crofton is, thinking she was higher in rank than Bob Iger. I explained their role titles, naming Bob Iger as "the man" to which Jenny added "He would be Walt Disney, if Walt was still alive. Bob Iger is the highest ever".

And then we began wondering where he lives...

Alex just showed me her Blockbuster card.
That was fun ^-^


I need to do my homework.

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