Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!

Today marks the one year anniversary since I came down to Disney on my first solo vacation.

It seems so weird to think that an entire year has passed since then. True, not all my memories of this time last year are as sharp as they could be, but it's interesting to think about what I do remember, both with my trip, and the days leading up to it. I still distinctly remember checking in movies one day at Blockbuster, not being happy about it, but being in the sun shining through the window and thinking "two weeks". Well...I think I was thinking "two weeks". But I do remember.

And now, here it is. One year later, and what have I done since then? Well, I'm out of Blockbuster for one thing, so I guess that's good. And I think I'm a little more on my way towards figuring out what my future is. Although I still totally suck at trying to write cover letters. I'm working on one now for the Communications Professional Internship, and it's just not happening. It's not that I'm not excited about the internship or the opportunities it could provide. I just always seem to have trouble trying to summarize myself in such a business-like way. But I can do it ^-^

I guess the most obvious change since last year is that I'm working at Disney as opposed to just visiting. Or, should I say, just visiting for vacation. We're all just visiting Walt Disney World, no matter who we are. But what a funny thought. I came down here a year ago because I loved Disney and wanted to visit, and a year later I'm working here because I love Disney and I wanted to give it a try.

Speaking of work, tomorrow's my return-return to work. I haven't worked in a long while due to my being sick, which I know I need to update about as well. So much to do. But, right now I'm in a bit of a busy period. I need to finish applying for the professional internships and have to start preparing for the interview phone call. Plus I have homework for Marketing You that really, and I mean REALLY needs to be taken care of. And this Saturday there's a Tower of Terror marathon going on, so the park stays open unti 1:30am (I get to stay until 2am), and then the very next morning, I get to be at work at 10:30am.

Ah, so it's back to work for me. But I did want to mark this occassion, special as it is to me. It was a wonderful time, and I certainly hope there are more wonderful times ahead.

Happy One Year ^-^

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