Congratulations! Your extension request has been approved for the following role:
Role: Merchandise
Transfer Date: If you are changing roles or locations, your transfer date is Jan 3, 2010. Your first day of work will be scheduled on Jan 3, 2010 or shortly thereafter.
New Program End Date: May 14, 2010
How exciting! Disney views me as a valuable part of the Company and not a complete waste of their time ^-^
Of course, as with the program before, they don't tell you where you're going to be working, but still! I'm so happy to have this opportunity!
This calls for a celebratory Whopper! Normally it'd be a celebratory Big Mac, but I'm sick, and the Whopper seems to be a good cure for that. If that makes any sense.
Of course, the big question is:
Please Accept or Decline your Extension Below:
Yes, I accept this extension. No, I decline this extension.
I've got some thinking to do between now and December 7th.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
The possibilities of extending
At 1:01am on Friday, November 13, 2009, I applied for an extension.
My role choices were Character Performer, PhotoPass Photographer, and Merchandise. I also requested to stay at Hollywood Studios, if it was at all possible.
One more iron in the fire?
My role choices were Character Performer, PhotoPass Photographer, and Merchandise. I also requested to stay at Hollywood Studios, if it was at all possible.
One more iron in the fire?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Should I stay or should I go?
Today marks one month exactly until my family shows up.
Crazy, isn't it?
But their coming to visit is exactly one month away, and I have so much to do in the meantime. I still haven't gotten my Main Entrance Pass, even though I managed to get my holiday booklet sent to me. I've gotta go check on the hotel, look into the events going on when they come down, and, perhaps most of all, I've got to see exactly what Cast Member discounts and perks I have that I can use for them.
I'm looking forward to it. I mean, it'll be a slightly-more-affordable vacation for them, and an actual vacation for me. In the place that I work. And visit frequently.
Ah, I'm looking forward to it ^-^
But in the interim, however, I have much to do. The biggest thing I'm facing now, besides that paper I should be writing for Marketing You, is the debate as to what I'm going to do next. With less than two months to go before my program ends (or about 56 days (I think) or about 7 weeks), January's coming fast, and with that approach are coming some difficult decisions.
Let's face a couple of facts here: though I have a degree, I highly suspect my going home and trying to get a job in that career area isn't going to be very likely, even with Disney on my resume. Jobs are also harder to find, both because of the depression and also, as I learned, because all the good ones are filled by people who hire from within their company. But let us also take note that although I view money as something that has to be dealt with, a necessary inconvenience perhaps, happiness is key for me.
That all said, I've been debating back and forth about my next steps. As of now, my program's ending in January and I'll be heading home. I haven't heard from any of the professional internships I've applied for, I applied for a job, but haven't heard anything on that end either, and there's an audition coming up on the 19th that I want to apply for, but if I do get in, I'd have to extend. And since I haven't heard from or have little information about my Disney Company professional aspirations, it's pretty much come down to whether I extend or go home.
Just a few weeks ago, this wouldn't have been a very difficult decision. I got the "Want to extend?" e-mail in my inbox, said "Nope*" and moved on. It wasn't that I didn't think the notion of staying with Disney was a bad thing, but I had applied for the professional internships, and was hoping (and still am) to pull myself up above minimum wage work.
But now...well, as my Mom puts it, there really isn't anything much for me to return to in terms of a career. I haven't done anything with communications and writing in a long while, let alone anything down here. Since I wouldn't be able to get a job in my major right off the bat (unless I start trying to freelance and do little projects down here, and we all know how likely that is e.e), I get the feeling I'd be stuck back in retail again. No food and beverage. I've had enough food and beverage. And it hasn't even gotten to the crazy times yet. That return-to-retail notion is more than a little depressing. I really would like to start on my career. I really would like to move beyond minimum wage jobs and general job duties. I'd like to actually have some talents and shine a little bit.
But it's not like it would be much different if I stayed down here. Extending would mean I could (maybe) move into another area, which would be awesome, but I get the feeling I would be placed in merchandise. Retail. Just more crazy. Plus there's always that slim chance that I couldn't move around, in which case it'd be Hello Sunset!
No, I don't think so.
This isn't a terrible job that I have, and believe me, I'm thankful to have one. But there's something sort of depressing about knowing, even as a little kid, that you don't want to be in food and beverage, and then to find yourself working in it some years later because you don't know what you want to do with your life.
That's the other aspect of it too - what to do with my life? I spent a little time on the phone with my Mom yesterday, sitting in the Cast Member parking lot of Hollywood Studios, watching some of the Osbourne Spectacle of Lights and taking in what I could of Illuminations. I was telling her how disappointed I was with the Company for, in my opinion, cutting quality. Don't get me wrong, Walt Disney World and the Disney Company itself are models of quality and high standards, but they seem to be lacking a certain something that made them spectacular world-class leaders not so long ago. Maybe it's just the atmosphere and the culture that I've encountered, but it's not for me. But when I expressed to my Mom how I wasn't thrilled with the cutting of corners and the extreme focus on the bottom line (did we really need to buy Marvel? Probably...but that money could've been sunk back into the parks, or into the studio space they're looking to create out in California), she told me that I was essentially looking for a Utopia. And in the business world, that just doesn't exist. I'd be better off going into a helping profession, something non profit. Or I could be a teacher :P
I find myself feeling torn between staying and trying to do something good for my future, or returning home and trying to get my act together, along with a return to happiness. But will returning to no job, very little money, and no free park admission mean happiness? In the same consideration, will staying far from family and friends doing a minimum wage job in a crazy and very business-minded atmosphere with vacation-minded people while not really seeing where else the job could lead except to stay in the parks be any better?
I'm thankful for my job.
Thankful that Disney chose me to come work for them.
Thankful that I have this opportunity to work for Disney, as well as to get into the parks and really enjoy myself.
But there's that happiness that I'm looking for. It's a motivator, that's for sure, and if I could just find the right career, or even the right area, to work happily in, I'd be - simply - amazing.
Maybe I really should do those exercises I've supposed to have been doing all along.
But it comes down to the question of staying or going and trying to determine which one will bring me the most happiness? Which one will allow me to be the most productive and do the most for myself? Which one is right for me at this time in my life?
I think the answer's become sort of obvious, but I want to look into it all and be sure.
And after all, it would be nice, if I were to extend, to get into a job area where I could really shine. Really make Disney thankful for hiring me. That'd be a nice thank you to them, ne?
And at the same time, it would be nice to return home, take a look at all that I've learned from my experiences at Disney, and start making the future I want happen.
But all these thoughts and ponderings will have to be put on hold for just a little bit longer. I've got a paper to write tonight, interview questions to write down, and, of course, work to get to now. Again, let me stress that I'm thankful for the family that I have, who so kindly got me down here. I'm thankful that Disney took a chance on me and brought me into the Company.
I just want to find my own happiness however. I think this is what everyone seeks out, and I know I've been sort of searching for awhile now. But I'm getting that feeling, once again, that I should do something about it. And with such a major decision as choosing between staying and going...maybe this time will be the time I actually start towards that happiness.
No. This time WILL be the time.
But first work.
And maybe a trip to Target,
Every goal-oriented person's gotta look good at some point, right?
Oh, and randomly, my Mom now understands " :P "
*More likely "Hell no!", but lets be polite.
Crazy, isn't it?
But their coming to visit is exactly one month away, and I have so much to do in the meantime. I still haven't gotten my Main Entrance Pass, even though I managed to get my holiday booklet sent to me. I've gotta go check on the hotel, look into the events going on when they come down, and, perhaps most of all, I've got to see exactly what Cast Member discounts and perks I have that I can use for them.
I'm looking forward to it. I mean, it'll be a slightly-more-affordable vacation for them, and an actual vacation for me. In the place that I work. And visit frequently.
Ah, I'm looking forward to it ^-^
But in the interim, however, I have much to do. The biggest thing I'm facing now, besides that paper I should be writing for Marketing You, is the debate as to what I'm going to do next. With less than two months to go before my program ends (or about 56 days (I think) or about 7 weeks), January's coming fast, and with that approach are coming some difficult decisions.
Let's face a couple of facts here: though I have a degree, I highly suspect my going home and trying to get a job in that career area isn't going to be very likely, even with Disney on my resume. Jobs are also harder to find, both because of the depression and also, as I learned, because all the good ones are filled by people who hire from within their company. But let us also take note that although I view money as something that has to be dealt with, a necessary inconvenience perhaps, happiness is key for me.
That all said, I've been debating back and forth about my next steps. As of now, my program's ending in January and I'll be heading home. I haven't heard from any of the professional internships I've applied for, I applied for a job, but haven't heard anything on that end either, and there's an audition coming up on the 19th that I want to apply for, but if I do get in, I'd have to extend. And since I haven't heard from or have little information about my Disney Company professional aspirations, it's pretty much come down to whether I extend or go home.
Just a few weeks ago, this wouldn't have been a very difficult decision. I got the "Want to extend?" e-mail in my inbox, said "Nope*" and moved on. It wasn't that I didn't think the notion of staying with Disney was a bad thing, but I had applied for the professional internships, and was hoping (and still am) to pull myself up above minimum wage work.
But now...well, as my Mom puts it, there really isn't anything much for me to return to in terms of a career. I haven't done anything with communications and writing in a long while, let alone anything down here. Since I wouldn't be able to get a job in my major right off the bat (unless I start trying to freelance and do little projects down here, and we all know how likely that is e.e), I get the feeling I'd be stuck back in retail again. No food and beverage. I've had enough food and beverage. And it hasn't even gotten to the crazy times yet. That return-to-retail notion is more than a little depressing. I really would like to start on my career. I really would like to move beyond minimum wage jobs and general job duties. I'd like to actually have some talents and shine a little bit.
But it's not like it would be much different if I stayed down here. Extending would mean I could (maybe) move into another area, which would be awesome, but I get the feeling I would be placed in merchandise. Retail. Just more crazy. Plus there's always that slim chance that I couldn't move around, in which case it'd be Hello Sunset!
No, I don't think so.
This isn't a terrible job that I have, and believe me, I'm thankful to have one. But there's something sort of depressing about knowing, even as a little kid, that you don't want to be in food and beverage, and then to find yourself working in it some years later because you don't know what you want to do with your life.
That's the other aspect of it too - what to do with my life? I spent a little time on the phone with my Mom yesterday, sitting in the Cast Member parking lot of Hollywood Studios, watching some of the Osbourne Spectacle of Lights and taking in what I could of Illuminations. I was telling her how disappointed I was with the Company for, in my opinion, cutting quality. Don't get me wrong, Walt Disney World and the Disney Company itself are models of quality and high standards, but they seem to be lacking a certain something that made them spectacular world-class leaders not so long ago. Maybe it's just the atmosphere and the culture that I've encountered, but it's not for me. But when I expressed to my Mom how I wasn't thrilled with the cutting of corners and the extreme focus on the bottom line (did we really need to buy Marvel? Probably...but that money could've been sunk back into the parks, or into the studio space they're looking to create out in California), she told me that I was essentially looking for a Utopia. And in the business world, that just doesn't exist. I'd be better off going into a helping profession, something non profit. Or I could be a teacher :P
I find myself feeling torn between staying and trying to do something good for my future, or returning home and trying to get my act together, along with a return to happiness. But will returning to no job, very little money, and no free park admission mean happiness? In the same consideration, will staying far from family and friends doing a minimum wage job in a crazy and very business-minded atmosphere with vacation-minded people while not really seeing where else the job could lead except to stay in the parks be any better?
I'm thankful for my job.
Thankful that Disney chose me to come work for them.
Thankful that I have this opportunity to work for Disney, as well as to get into the parks and really enjoy myself.
But there's that happiness that I'm looking for. It's a motivator, that's for sure, and if I could just find the right career, or even the right area, to work happily in, I'd be - simply - amazing.
Maybe I really should do those exercises I've supposed to have been doing all along.
But it comes down to the question of staying or going and trying to determine which one will bring me the most happiness? Which one will allow me to be the most productive and do the most for myself? Which one is right for me at this time in my life?
I think the answer's become sort of obvious, but I want to look into it all and be sure.
And after all, it would be nice, if I were to extend, to get into a job area where I could really shine. Really make Disney thankful for hiring me. That'd be a nice thank you to them, ne?
And at the same time, it would be nice to return home, take a look at all that I've learned from my experiences at Disney, and start making the future I want happen.
But all these thoughts and ponderings will have to be put on hold for just a little bit longer. I've got a paper to write tonight, interview questions to write down, and, of course, work to get to now. Again, let me stress that I'm thankful for the family that I have, who so kindly got me down here. I'm thankful that Disney took a chance on me and brought me into the Company.
I just want to find my own happiness however. I think this is what everyone seeks out, and I know I've been sort of searching for awhile now. But I'm getting that feeling, once again, that I should do something about it. And with such a major decision as choosing between staying and going...maybe this time will be the time I actually start towards that happiness.
No. This time WILL be the time.
But first work.
And maybe a trip to Target,
Every goal-oriented person's gotta look good at some point, right?
Oh, and randomly, my Mom now understands " :P "
*More likely "Hell no!", but lets be polite.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tonight there was a movie night at The Commons featuring the just-released-today "Up!"
I ended up going with Amanda, driving to The Commons and asking her a little about character auditions along the way. I felt bad, since when you're off of work, the last thing you really want to do is discuss it, but there's an audition coming up I'd like to try to attend, if anything just to say that I did it and did it well. We ended up in the clubroom, which I had promptly forgotten is probably one of the coldest places on property. Not that I mind the cold, but after sitting there for a couple of hours during one of my training days, I decided it would be best to go back to my car and get my jacket for the movie.
When I returned, Amanda's friend Adonis ::has no idea if this is the proper spelling of his name...sorry:: had found her, and together we sat in the middle back of the room, eating our free (delicious) popcorn and drinking our free soda. I got a Cherry Coke ^-^
Up! is just as I remembered it, full of amazing visuals, furry Dug goodness, and a story that makes you laugh while tugging at your heart. I love that Pixar has such a good grasp on moments like that. Granted, it sucks to experience the sadder side of things (I still got teary...what can I say?), especially in a room with a group of your peers, but I love that Pixar can do that to me. And the plethora of "Awww"s and sad "Ohhh"s I heard around the room made me think I wasn't the only one getting caught up in the story. Oh! And to have the experience where everybody in the room finds something funny and laugh all together? Wonderful! I'm loving these group experiences!
I realized part-way through the movie that the last time I'd seen it was back home, in summer, before I left to go to Disney. I remember seeing the castle on the screen and having my Mom remark that soon I was going to be there. And now, here I was, seeing it again at the beginning of Up!, less than two months before I would be leaving to go back home. There's a sort of profound feeling I get from this realization. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but there's just something about seeing that castle and knowing that I'm looking at it now, as a Cast Member, and also remembering how I looked at it in the theater in the past, thinking to myself that I really was going to be going to Disney.
It was a wonderful night, full of shared experiences and a very good story (although the dogs in the planes still threw me a bit). The very best part though was at the end, when Carl awards Russell with the badge while saying "Russell, for going above and beyond in the line of duty..." The entire audience cracked up over that one, and even though I was feeling a little touched by the emotion of the scene, I too laughed loudly aloud with the rest of the audience. I don't think I'll ever forget that moment, especially when I hear that line.
Afterwards, they had a little raffle for two posters and two copies of the movie. I didn't win anything, of course, but still had had fun. I was hoping they would've been raffling off one of the Dug plushes, but that's what holiday Cast discounts are for, ne?
I also ran into Kimberly, one of the girls I work with whose brother is an Imagineer. We stood in the rain and chatted for a little bit, said good bye to Amanda and Adonis who were off to get food, and then, because I found out she lives at Patterson, gave her a ride. On the way back, I asked her what she knew about extending.
I've got a four day work week this week. Tomorrow I'm sure I'm going to be encountering Fairfax's new menu. But for now, sleep sounds like a good idea.
I ended up going with Amanda, driving to The Commons and asking her a little about character auditions along the way. I felt bad, since when you're off of work, the last thing you really want to do is discuss it, but there's an audition coming up I'd like to try to attend, if anything just to say that I did it and did it well. We ended up in the clubroom, which I had promptly forgotten is probably one of the coldest places on property. Not that I mind the cold, but after sitting there for a couple of hours during one of my training days, I decided it would be best to go back to my car and get my jacket for the movie.
When I returned, Amanda's friend Adonis ::has no idea if this is the proper spelling of his name...sorry:: had found her, and together we sat in the middle back of the room, eating our free (delicious) popcorn and drinking our free soda. I got a Cherry Coke ^-^
Up! is just as I remembered it, full of amazing visuals, furry Dug goodness, and a story that makes you laugh while tugging at your heart. I love that Pixar has such a good grasp on moments like that. Granted, it sucks to experience the sadder side of things (I still got teary...what can I say?), especially in a room with a group of your peers, but I love that Pixar can do that to me. And the plethora of "Awww"s and sad "Ohhh"s I heard around the room made me think I wasn't the only one getting caught up in the story. Oh! And to have the experience where everybody in the room finds something funny and laugh all together? Wonderful! I'm loving these group experiences!
I realized part-way through the movie that the last time I'd seen it was back home, in summer, before I left to go to Disney. I remember seeing the castle on the screen and having my Mom remark that soon I was going to be there. And now, here I was, seeing it again at the beginning of Up!, less than two months before I would be leaving to go back home. There's a sort of profound feeling I get from this realization. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but there's just something about seeing that castle and knowing that I'm looking at it now, as a Cast Member, and also remembering how I looked at it in the theater in the past, thinking to myself that I really was going to be going to Disney.
It was a wonderful night, full of shared experiences and a very good story (although the dogs in the planes still threw me a bit). The very best part though was at the end, when Carl awards Russell with the badge while saying "Russell, for going above and beyond in the line of duty..." The entire audience cracked up over that one, and even though I was feeling a little touched by the emotion of the scene, I too laughed loudly aloud with the rest of the audience. I don't think I'll ever forget that moment, especially when I hear that line.
Afterwards, they had a little raffle for two posters and two copies of the movie. I didn't win anything, of course, but still had had fun. I was hoping they would've been raffling off one of the Dug plushes, but that's what holiday Cast discounts are for, ne?
I also ran into Kimberly, one of the girls I work with whose brother is an Imagineer. We stood in the rain and chatted for a little bit, said good bye to Amanda and Adonis who were off to get food, and then, because I found out she lives at Patterson, gave her a ride. On the way back, I asked her what she knew about extending.
I've got a four day work week this week. Tomorrow I'm sure I'm going to be encountering Fairfax's new menu. But for now, sleep sounds like a good idea.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A bit of a quick morning post
I’ve only got a little bit of time to write. Today I work from 10:45am to 6:30pm, which leaves me about fifteen minutes to write. I just woke up too, having decided since I had stayed up until after 1:30am and had to work early today, that sleeping in a little extra would be a good idea. I was dreaming about Disney water parks and about leaving two “kids” (one was a boy who was a kid, the other was a teenage girl who looked a lot like Emilee from Sunset) on their own. There was an older guy too, and I had a bit of a dry exchange with him. Parent? Ex of mine? Who knows. I was just starting to apologize for my actions since this was the first time I was leaving them on their own, when the alarm rang. Before that, it had been folding sheets with Candice, with her noting their significant importance. I remember asking her and her Mom if they did this all the time before vacation and they said yes.
And I would’ve expected to have dreamed of Christian wandering around with his pants open and low enough to see his boxers almost all the way. But maybe that’s for another night?
That pretty much summarizes my day from yesterday. Since I had class, I pretty much lazed around, getting up at 10:00am, checking out Disney forum websites, seeing my first half-episode of Jon and Kate and full episode of Say Yes To The Dress. I also got to try Misako’s massager, which looks like three three-pointed, clear splats of pink plastic have been attached to either end of a wishbone. It feels pretty good and only costs about $10 in Japan. I may have to look into that.
Somehow, despite, or maybe because of, my laziness, I ran a little behind on making my way to class. I still made it, but I didn’t make it as early as I had wanted. As I signed the roster, I was greeted by laughter over Phineas and Ferb. Good sound.
Class was neat, we learned a lot about the first five Disney animated movies, their animators, a little bit of the history going on at the time of their release. We also learned about television, which was funny because Zorro was mentioned, and earlier in the morning, I had purchased seasons 1 and 2 on dvd to be shipped to Walmart. I’m not pleased with how expensive they are, especially because I could’ve gotten a D23 membership with the money I spent, or at least saved it towards something a little more productive, but I like Zorro, and didn’t’ want to miss out on my chance to get it. Kind of sucks that I couldn’t have bought it at Disney, but I don’t think Cast Members get discounts on dvds, and I wouldn’t have gotten as low of a price.
We also got to see a bunch of film and tv clips, including deleted scenes and songs. It was a wonderful experience, since the clips were watched as a group. The group laughter and group emotion was fun, I’ve never really gotten to experience things like that, at least not in theaters, and not so much where everyone agrees with me that a certain point is fun to watch.
Oh, and my team didn't win the competition. We didn't come in second or third either. But oh well, it was fun anyway ^-^
After class, I debated food, but wanting to see Wishes, I grabbed a graham cracker and a granola bar and left for the Magic Kingdom. I got to park in Happy in the Seven Dwarves lot, just like I had the previous night with Alex. Kind of exciting because it was new to me. I ended up hanging out on Main Street, talking to Alex and her friend, while waiting for Alex’s ER to come through. I ran to the bakery briefly because I was starving, but I’m trying to cut back on spending money ::coughZorrocough:: so I didn’t get anything. Unfortunately, when I got back, Alex had already gone to change, so I ended up wandering and waiting for a few minutes. She came back and found me, but she’d gone to the Emporium first. Oops x.x
The train had stopped running, so we walked over to Frontierland, heading towards Big Thunder Mountain. We made a stop at the Country Bear Jamboree first, which was entertaining. When we got out, it was five minutes to Wishes and we had to make a choice: go back to Main Street and see where Tinker Bell lands, or ride Big Thunder. We chose Big Thunder. It was nice and empty by that point, and despite the sign that said there was a 10 minute wait, we walked right on. Even got to choose our own seats too. We chose the back.
After a wildly awesome ride in which we could see the fireworks going off as we raced around the track, we headed back towards Main Street and through the crowd of zombie people (they all stop and stare, I love looking at them) and Alex showed me where I could find Tinker Bell. Then she headed to her car, and I pushed my way through the now-leaving crowd to mine. Ohh, there was a teen girl and her 10/11/12 year old brother I saw on the way out. She was telling “Drake” not to run, that he needed to stay by her. Maybe those were the kids I was watching in my dream?
Alex and I ended up getting back around the same time, I arriving mere seconds before her. She changed and headed out to Wendys to meet her friends, inviting me to come, but I declined in favor of not wanting to impose on their growing friendships (not unannounced anyway) and also to call my Mom. We ended up discussing my nearish future (within the next couple of months), which proved to be a bit of a downer conversation-wise. Do I try and stay and extend and continue to have a job? Or do I try to free myself and see what options lie at home, where I’d like to be? I was tired and felt kind of down, so even though Alex had her friends come over and build a tent, I didn’t participate. Christian did pull down his outer pants though, numerous time, which was a natural perk :P
I got out of the room later that night, but by then it was after 1am, and seeing as I had to get up early (and am already running late), I headed to bed, only to get one more moon from Christian. I’m just amused by the comfort level some people have with physical humor, especially with pulling their pants down in front of strangers.
Frankly, I feel there’s a lot to be thought over. I tried checking out the Disney careers website on the advice of my Mom, and really didn’t find anything there. I’ve got to try to figure something out, it’d really be a good idea anyway.
But for now, off to work.
And I would’ve expected to have dreamed of Christian wandering around with his pants open and low enough to see his boxers almost all the way. But maybe that’s for another night?
That pretty much summarizes my day from yesterday. Since I had class, I pretty much lazed around, getting up at 10:00am, checking out Disney forum websites, seeing my first half-episode of Jon and Kate and full episode of Say Yes To The Dress. I also got to try Misako’s massager, which looks like three three-pointed, clear splats of pink plastic have been attached to either end of a wishbone. It feels pretty good and only costs about $10 in Japan. I may have to look into that.
Somehow, despite, or maybe because of, my laziness, I ran a little behind on making my way to class. I still made it, but I didn’t make it as early as I had wanted. As I signed the roster, I was greeted by laughter over Phineas and Ferb. Good sound.
Class was neat, we learned a lot about the first five Disney animated movies, their animators, a little bit of the history going on at the time of their release. We also learned about television, which was funny because Zorro was mentioned, and earlier in the morning, I had purchased seasons 1 and 2 on dvd to be shipped to Walmart. I’m not pleased with how expensive they are, especially because I could’ve gotten a D23 membership with the money I spent, or at least saved it towards something a little more productive, but I like Zorro, and didn’t’ want to miss out on my chance to get it. Kind of sucks that I couldn’t have bought it at Disney, but I don’t think Cast Members get discounts on dvds, and I wouldn’t have gotten as low of a price.
We also got to see a bunch of film and tv clips, including deleted scenes and songs. It was a wonderful experience, since the clips were watched as a group. The group laughter and group emotion was fun, I’ve never really gotten to experience things like that, at least not in theaters, and not so much where everyone agrees with me that a certain point is fun to watch.
Oh, and my team didn't win the competition. We didn't come in second or third either. But oh well, it was fun anyway ^-^
After class, I debated food, but wanting to see Wishes, I grabbed a graham cracker and a granola bar and left for the Magic Kingdom. I got to park in Happy in the Seven Dwarves lot, just like I had the previous night with Alex. Kind of exciting because it was new to me. I ended up hanging out on Main Street, talking to Alex and her friend, while waiting for Alex’s ER to come through. I ran to the bakery briefly because I was starving, but I’m trying to cut back on spending money ::coughZorrocough:: so I didn’t get anything. Unfortunately, when I got back, Alex had already gone to change, so I ended up wandering and waiting for a few minutes. She came back and found me, but she’d gone to the Emporium first. Oops x.x
The train had stopped running, so we walked over to Frontierland, heading towards Big Thunder Mountain. We made a stop at the Country Bear Jamboree first, which was entertaining. When we got out, it was five minutes to Wishes and we had to make a choice: go back to Main Street and see where Tinker Bell lands, or ride Big Thunder. We chose Big Thunder. It was nice and empty by that point, and despite the sign that said there was a 10 minute wait, we walked right on. Even got to choose our own seats too. We chose the back.
After a wildly awesome ride in which we could see the fireworks going off as we raced around the track, we headed back towards Main Street and through the crowd of zombie people (they all stop and stare, I love looking at them) and Alex showed me where I could find Tinker Bell. Then she headed to her car, and I pushed my way through the now-leaving crowd to mine. Ohh, there was a teen girl and her 10/11/12 year old brother I saw on the way out. She was telling “Drake” not to run, that he needed to stay by her. Maybe those were the kids I was watching in my dream?
Alex and I ended up getting back around the same time, I arriving mere seconds before her. She changed and headed out to Wendys to meet her friends, inviting me to come, but I declined in favor of not wanting to impose on their growing friendships (not unannounced anyway) and also to call my Mom. We ended up discussing my nearish future (within the next couple of months), which proved to be a bit of a downer conversation-wise. Do I try and stay and extend and continue to have a job? Or do I try to free myself and see what options lie at home, where I’d like to be? I was tired and felt kind of down, so even though Alex had her friends come over and build a tent, I didn’t participate. Christian did pull down his outer pants though, numerous time, which was a natural perk :P
I got out of the room later that night, but by then it was after 1am, and seeing as I had to get up early (and am already running late), I headed to bed, only to get one more moon from Christian. I’m just amused by the comfort level some people have with physical humor, especially with pulling their pants down in front of strangers.
Frankly, I feel there’s a lot to be thought over. I tried checking out the Disney careers website on the advice of my Mom, and really didn’t find anything there. I’ve got to try to figure something out, it’d really be a good idea anyway.
But for now, off to work.
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