Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lent xx - 5:30am Days - Day 89

Why is Florida cold in the morning? I mean, I know it's morning, and apparently Florida's been going through a cold snap, but still! Got to work and said hi to (a darkened) Spaceship Earth. People were busy around the one kid's fountain, adding more trees to cover the big pump it seemed. Got assigned to Bubble today. They also randomly had french bread cut into slices this morning. Had a couple of those and ::gasp:: tried a little bit of the coffee they brewed. Straight it's...you know what...I'm very certain cream and sugar are a good thing with that coffee. But it helped take a bit of my headache away. No Kim, Robyn, or Alice this morning. Just me. I feel kind of bad, honestly. I mean, I'd like to be able to talk to the other stockers, they certainly seem like nice people, but every time I encounter them, I usually just say hi or the polite "Pardon me" as I try to get past them. Lonely morning, I guess. I thought there was another person working Bubble this morning. Turns out, she was just doing the accessories, which meant I didn't have to take care of hats or shoes. What a time saver! Also met a girl, whose name I don't remember, who was kind enough to move some shirts and jackets around and bring up some new shorts. She had a nice sense of humor. People are being let into the park at 8:45am, instead of the usual 9:00am, so I tried to stock what I could. A random family came in, looking to get to the Princess breakfast they were a little late getting to. I have no idea how they got in, but since our doors are (mostly) locked in the morning, they had a bit of trouble getting out. Did the wave and kept on stocking. Walked out the door at one point and into a family with teen boys trying on t-shirts. Guys, while I appreciate that you are fit, we do actually have fitting rooms. But the Mom (who didn't speak very much English, which doesn't matter, but may convey that she and her family spoke mostly in a language I didn't recognized) said they were hurried. No time for fitting rooms then? Also met a trio of young teen girls looking for a hoodie in a small. All we had was mediums unfortunately (I even checked where the clothing was being hung like a good little stockgirl), and offered to call mail order for them to see if I could locate the hoodie anywhere else. I had my doubts, since most of the time, mail order is busy, I can't reach them (for some reason), or our stock levels just suck, but would you believe...mail order actually came through! The guy said the hoodies might be at Club Cool (across the plaza, although the girls said they'd checked there earlier with no luck) and also at Sir Mickey's at Magic Kingdom. Hopefully that helped. Brian (wearing a Goofy hat) asked me to get things a couple of times, which I know I'm supposed to do, but I felt a little bossed around. I think it was the lack of energy. Or the coffee. Not as bad as that nast 3:30am Crossroads McDonalds stuff x.x Also had to deal with a double stapler issue. Both Bubble staplers were't working, so I ran to jewlery to get one. Then ran to get staples to fill them up. The first stapler (at the station where the girl from this morning was working) got jammed. Too many staples. My fault. The second, by Brian, had just one (later discovered cluster) staple stuck in the opening. The girl eventually came to help me out, using scissors and a dump voucher (which sounds wrong) to work on them. Apparently she's going to school to be a nurse. I think she's got the skill. Didn't actually go on my break until after 10:30am (oops), and when I got back, I decided it would be best if I stayed in my area, rather than go up to the registers. For one thing, I had a good deal of register work yesterday. For another, I wanted to see if I could keep up on the straightening, at least a little. Met a gentleman in a Tillie (Tilly?) hat who was looking at jackets, either for him or his wife, I wasn't sure. Found out the hat was authentic and from Austrailia, where his daughter lives on the east coast. Later, when I was doing put-backs, I heard "Lady!" and turned to see the man and his wife. She was trying on the jacket he'd bought, saying it was too large. She was going to go for a smaller size, then saw I had a navy jacket in my hands (the same style that the couple-with-the-woman-who-wanted-the-XL-and-had-me-call-all-over-just-to-go-use-their-fast-passes-on-a-ride had wanted), and tried that. She liked it, but not complete, and ended up getting a Grumpy jacket. Ah well, thought it was kind of cool I had had the almost jacket in my hands. While she was trying it on, found out I reminded them of their 40-year-old daughter (is that a good thing?) and that they had some family in Illinois. Neat ^-^ Took my second break around 1:15pm, and had planned to try to do some last minute stocking before I left (on time for once). Unfortunately, I got balled up in the shoe area. I had three shoes, two right and one left, all three of different sizes. I have no idea where their partners went. After that, I just headed to the front, clocked out, put my stuff away, and headed out. I had been feeling a little burst of energy earlier, and thought that I might try to do some of the stuff I should be doing, phone calls and walks and whatnot. But as I got to my car, I realized how tired I was. Back at the apartment, I had planned to go lay by the pool for a bit, but opted for laying in bed instead. I think I slept for about four hours, and woke up dreaming a depressing segment of dream in which my Mom and Dad were visiting me in some dark little town, and Dad was saying I had probably never driven in that particular area before and didn't believe me when I insisted I had. I don't want us to have a relationship like that :( Anyway, I woke up because Mom had called me. I had blearily read her text message about rainbow bread not being made anymore (WHY?!?!), but hadn't responded to that or her text about her and Dad going to Sweet Tomatos. It was good she woke me up though: I was hungry. We chatted a little bit, mostly about Easter and how I'm still going to try to find someone to work for me and how maybe there's still a chance, and then I went to go make my chicken-topped salad. Of course, whether I was tired, or just awesome, I got out the crumbled goat cheese and must've been holding it wrong, because the top came off and a great deal of it spilled all over the kitchen floor. I cleaned it up of course, but now I'm a little bummed because I have to ration it. I guess I won't have to worry about there being leftovers? I also switched on the tv and caught "The Luck of The Irish" on Disney Channel. On a neat little aside, the guy who plays the villian Seamus is also Lassetter on Psych. I asked my Mom to take a look to be sure, as she said she'd seen him on Seinfeld too. She also mentioned that Ryan Merriweather (main character) may be Bree's son on Desparate Housewives. This is strangely fun. Did some dishes. Stood in awkward silence scrubbing at a cup while Maria wordlessly zipped around the kitchen. And now, I'm feeling tired again and am thinking it's time for bed.

Just wanted to mention that yesterday I met an older gentleman who said that it was his and his wife's first time to Walt Disney World. They'd been to Disneyland quite a few times, but not here. He was looking for some headband ears for his wife, and as I showed him around, he told me that she was a "secret Snow White". In other words, she has a personality just like Snow. Sure enough, I encountered him again while on register (he was going to another register though: shorter lines) and afterwards, he briefly introduced his wife to me. Just from those couple of seconds, with her laugh and her attitude, I could totally see why she is a secret Snow. Very cool.

Speaking of Snow White, one other quick thing, at the meeting this morning, I think I might have been mentioned in a story. Ginny read something about Katie (there's a couple of Katies though, or at least a Katy Beth, so maybe not me) and Kim greeting a Guest who had all Snow White pins. Talked about the topiaries at Germany (Ginny paused here, waiting for location, which I said, but quietly, so she didn't hear me) and about being a future Cast Member. Sounds sort of like something that happened to me when Sarah was around, and Sarah was there this morning, but who knows?

Here's hoping for my future. And sweet dreams.

P.S. - My Dad sent me a text this morning saying today is the 89th day of 2010. Wow. 89 days already?

P.P.S. - When I got home, I ended up watching most of another episode of Jonas? Really? Really??

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