Friday, March 26, 2010

Lent xx - 5:30am days - Expected Changes

Charging $4.50 just to PROCESS extension request? Ridiculous! Yesterday was assigned to Bubble. Stocked on and off throughout the day. Just kind of needed it. Ginny pulled me to do a project at one point. Had Pirates t-shirts on one wall, wanted to swap them to another. While doing so, Mom and two little girls came in. Little girls wanted to pin trade. Traded, chatted about pins. Saw one was wearing an "I'm Celebrating" button. Asked what it was for. Little girl looked at Mom and Mom said to tell. Little girl said "I'm celebrating my little sister kicking ::kick:: cancer's butt". These girls were like...three? Four? Incredible. Definitely something to celebrate. Engaged with family for little while more, then they were off. Later, while I was running around trying to find an adult a hat that only seemed to come in youth sizes, Ginny told me I had done a good job with the Mom and the little girls. Said it was good of the Mom to tell the older sister what was going on, but not to make it scary. Good point. What an encounter.

Today assigned to Bubble too. Merchandise display people in store, moving things around. Got pulled by them to do little projects involving the hats/t-shirts and, later, the shoes. Took up most of my morning. Manager Brad wandered by at points, first to ask how I was doing ("All right." "Just all right?" "Doing great!" Asked me if I was lying, said no, just stretching the truth. Asked if I was telling a tall tale, said I was) and then later to see if I was still... I suggested awake, he said breathing. Said I was, thanks for the concern. Stocked a little once I was finished with projects. Break and then had to work on putting away the stuff the display people had taken down from Breezeway. Got caught in assisting Guests, calling down to the stockroom, calling Mail Order, calling Port Orleans - Riverside. For that one, the Guests had wanted a grey Minnie pull-over/hoodie they'd seen there. Woman took a bit to check the stock, then revealed she'd grabbed a medium. That was the sku I had read off, yes, but I had wanted a large, which I didn't have in order to read off. Don't know if the phone disconnected or if she never came back, but stood through at least 10 minutes of silence while the busy lines kept building. Then, while still trying to stock and take care of the Breezeway items, Manager Brad found me and asked if I had done cardboard. I said no and he moved on. Then, when I was on floor, got called by Robyn and Alicia (?) to help. Turns out, we were all on cardboard. Got to push a whale (big tub/bin on wheels) full of cardboard. Up the incline, felt like Sunset again ^-^ The cardboard pargo (full of cardboard from yesterday since it had been broken yesterday) was sitting at the entrance of the tunnel, where the cardboard compactor was. Recognized it, since we had it at Sunset. Unloaded. Three older men chatting and smoking nearby. One, the oldest, said the other two were waiting for us to empty the pargo. If they really wanted it, they could've helped. Got it done (eventually) and they took it. Saw Jasmine walk by. She greeted us with a hello ^-^ Finally got through everything. Decided the compactor sounded like Chewbacca and nicknamed it "Chewy". Noisy trip back through tunnel. Got back in amount of time I had guessed it would take us. Manager Brad greeted us. Bumped both fists and did an "explosion" noise with "explosion" fingers with each of us. At this point, still hadn't finished putting away the Breezeway stuff. Hadn't even stocked, let alone cleaned. Decided to extend until 3:00pm. Managed to at least organize Bubble and grab all the misplaced items. Finished with Breezeway items. Break again. Went to stock backpacks that were needed on a fixture. In basement, I and another girl wanted to head up to first floor. Went up, but were delayed in getting off the elevator. Elevator moved up to second floor, where we met Manager Sandra and Manager Brad. Girl jokingly gave them a hard time about having us come up and the elevator doors almost closing on her butt. Manager Brad said thank you for the work I did, especially with the projects this morning. "Katie rocks", Manager Sandra said. Manager Brad agreed. Said thank you, kind of awkwardly. Manager Sandra also saw that I was bringing backpacks to stock my area, said it was a good thing. Helped a young boy find the ear hats. Brought him new, red, character model sheet Mickey hat. Seemed to like it. Also called stock for a pair of pjs for a woman shopping for her daughter. Didn't have them, but offered up suggestions. She seemed happy over those and said thanks. At this point, time to go. Left, got the mail with a borrowed mail key from front desk, watched coupled of episodes of Wizards of Waverly Place. Had had window open because weather was so nice. Saw two people pull up in a pargo and figured they were here to check running toilet. Tried to clean a little bit. Knock on door. Turns out they'd spotted the open window and wanted to write a reminder that we couldn't have it open. WTF? I understand, but writing stuff? Not in trouble though. Talked to Mom a bit about career and future. Talked to Ralph about life and Pokemon. Saw today was last day to extend program through summer. Decided at last minute to go for it. Think $4.50 just to apply is stupid, even moreso because it's charged to credit card. Went for concierge, hospitality, character attendant, merchandise (I know!), main entrance operations. Find out status in mid-April.

Quick notes because I have to go to bed:

Got my hair cut (finally!) at Kingdom Kutters (Magic Kingdom utilidors) on Monday at 10:00am. Long hair not long enough for Locks of Love. Vice President of Magic Kingdom goes there too!

Found out today (tomorrow?) is Manager Brad's last day at Mouse Gear. Being moved to Downtown Disney. So much for looking forward to morning managers...

Anthony's last day of work at Jungle Cruise was on Thursday. Supposed to leave on Sunday. Bummer. Real bummer.

Also, apparently it rained last night. Slept right through it.

Mike Simmonds is working 12 hour shifts from 5am to 5pm. And I thought stocking was bad...

Time for bed. Need to work more towards my future. Also, need to watch movies.

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