Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lent xx - 5:30am Days - Princess Night!!

Got assigned to stock pins today. Lots of holes around the store, so stocking important. Didn't get assigned to a section. Instead, I and a couple other people met with manager and got assigned other jobs. Stocking pins busy and sort of tough, but I enjoyed it. Got through two of the three pin collection carts before the wave. Attempted to do what I could afterwards. Was told by a woman to stock a couple of things on the pin pillar. First couple of lanyards. Then later, pin book page refiles and pin books. Manager found me afterwards and said that she said I was doing a good job, that the pins looked good. Helped Kimberly with some cotton candy and went on break. Afterwards, thought I was going to be going on register. Didn't seem as busy with Guests. Was told to check Bubble, and if no line, I could stock. Was no line, but still got put on register on Main Bank anyway. Got to give "1st Time" pins to three girls and welcomed them on behalf of Walt Disney World. That was cool ^-^ Got on 2nd break a little before 1:00pm. Sat with Kimberly and Brian. Saw news story about giant chocolate bunny that will eventually be distributed among orphans. "Great. Obese orphans" Brian had remarked. I shared with Kim that there's information that this current generation of kids might be the first to not outlive their parents. Said I wasn't sure if that would've included orphans, thinking in regards to their food and lifestyle. Kim noted that the orphans have already outlived their parents. That got us laughing. It sounds morbid, but it was funny. Back to work. Got a list and was trying to find pins when woman took my basket, said no more baskets, and that it was 2:00pm. "Put down the list". Visited Costuming, where I got to check out my own costumes (neat computer graphics). Stopped at Vista to return "The Apple Dumpling Gang" and "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie" (both unwatched) and picked up "Dumbo" and "Jurassic Park". Discovered my water bottle had opened in my bag. Spent time taking care of front passenger seat. Eventually got to change, eat an apple, some crackers, and a shamrock cookie, and got to walk around the apartment parking lots chatting with my Mom. Came back for shower. Disney Channel played Snow White. Such a wonderful movie. Good, GOOD stuff. Right afterwards, Mulan came on. Double Disney girls, woo! A little bit into the movie, Ana called!! We chatted for a bit, she had to call me back, and, naturally, we got disconnected at one point, so we had to call back again. She and "Lexi" are doing great. Mike's happy and got to hold Gabrielle and Alexandria together. Wonderful to hear from Ana, could hear little baby in the background too. Aww ^-^ She had to talk to a nurse, so we called it a night. Maybe talk tomorrow. I've gotta call it a night too. Nice to see Disney animation, although wow, what a difference between the styles of Snow White and Mulan. Storywise too. Interesting stuff, but for now, bed.

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