Wednesday, April 7, 2010

5:30am Days - C-C-C-C-Changes

Today 5:30am-4:00pm shift. Not very thrilled. Especially after lack of being able to go home for Easter. Got assigned to accessories (slightly better). No other CPs this morning. Announced that Magic Kingdom got some toy monorails with purple color. Purple's retired because of accident. Were told to check ours and be on the lookout. Manager Ginny asked me if I'd done accessories before. Allowed me to ask questions. Had a slice of Cuban (not French) bread with butter. Had one more, plain, later on. Helped guy named Kevin in Bubble. Only second time on 5:30am shift for him. Gave a little advice and help, went on my way. Phone can now play music. Made good use of that this morning until Epcot music came on. Kept volume low though, polite to others. Found out author was doing booksigning in Bubble today. Ridley Pearson, author of Kingdom Keepers series. Book three out today. Instructed by Manager Ginny to stack and arrange book display. Kind of fun. Suggested to Manager Ginny that some of the books should be displayed at registers. Was told that was a good idea. Spent most of day working on books and shoes, occasionally making it to other areas. Occasionally helped Guests too. Ran around looking for sharpie for woman celebrating 14yr Anniversary, but had only been given "I'm Celebrating" button. Need to get more markers and sharpies. While working on books, teen girl (with birthday button) and her parents (with anniversary buttons) came in. Said they wanted to get autographed book, but author signing only from 4-6 and they had dinner reservations at Hoop De Doo for 5:00pm. Have to be at location at 4:15pm. Wanted to know if they could leave book to get signed. Said I'd seek out manager. Found Coordinator Gwen instead. She said no, went to see Guests anyway. Told them that Pearson's time relaly restricted. Wristbands being given to only 150 people. Family wasn't very happy to hear this. "Happy birthday" the Mom sighed, and picked up book to purchase as gift for daughter. Later, on second break, thought that maybe, if Pearson was worth his salt as a writer, he could sign just one copy of book. I could take copy over to Hoop De Doo, find family, make swap. Would maybe even be willing to have manager come along, if they thought I might do something fishy. That's Disney magic right there. Finished break and went to find manager. All standing around on stage, waiting for Pearson to show. Not doing anything, just standing and talking. Finally Manager Ginny was free. Told her about family, asked if Pearson could do any signing. Was told he had been set to sign a bunch of extras. Due to time, never happened. Wanted to explain rest of my plan, stalled by young boy who wanted to pin trade. By time I traded, Manager Ginny was chatting with another manager. No good to interrupt there. I'm sorry, Celebrating Family. You may never read this, but I heard your problem, and had a solution. I'm very sorry it didn't go through. Finished work day and walked long way backstage, chatting with Mom on phone about not being able to finish telling Manager Ginny what I planned to do. Changed in car and headed to Hess across from MGM to get my car a carwash. Tried to pay at wash. No way to do so. Drove through, parked along random curving curb. Went inside. Waited in line. Paid. Went back to wash. Started entering code. Notice displayed: Carwash broken, please tell manager. Drove through. Parked along curb again. Think I spotted Ketty from Sunset (in Sunset clothing and holding a hot dog) heading towards store. Went inside. Waited in line. Guy went to go reset. I pondered 99 cent Coke slush. Guy returned, said it was a go. Went back to carwash. Laserwash, just like at home, only with chirping beeps to tell me to stop and to drive. Happy dryers pass overhead instead of my having to drive beneath them. Left. Was about to merge onto World Center. Remembered Soyoung saying she was working today. Soyoung getting new role - moving to full service food and beverage at Polynesian at the Luau. Thought it might be nice to visit her in qsr. Turned around at Shades of Green entry road. Tried to get into Boardwalk parking lot at stop light just a little down the road from main entrance. This entrance used by buses. Waited. Tried id. No good, arm wouldn't go up. Had to make awkward turn around and go in proper entrance. Parked in self-park. Walked onto Boardwalk (funnel cakes smell delicious). Played a little phone tag with Mom. Made my way to Yacht and Beach Clubs. Determined weather was good ice cream weather. Got to Periwig Salon/Beaches and Cream area at Beach Club when thought Soyoung's costume looked more like something found at Yacht Club. Turned around. Hunted a little for store at Yacht Club (got just a little turned around at lobby). Found store. Wrong place. Had to go back to Beach Club. Once there, found store, but no Soyoung. Waited and wandered, still nothing. Decided to get a Dole Whip. Walked around a bit, looking for bus stop. Found signs and followed, enjoying walking by fountain and pleasant summer-like night air. Found bus stop and sat. Listened to family plan food at Magic Kingdom. Guy's phone had menus - cool. Just sitting made me feel like I was on vacation. Bus finally came. Encouraged couple to get on before me, despite his logic "It's not gonna leave without me". Seeing ad for mobile magic (updates sent to phone) also made it seem like vacation for some reason. Saw monorail Gold. Laughed to myself - saw Gold this morning when setting up books and getting things ready for Guests. Arrived and headed into Magic Kingdom (semi-thorough lady Guard). Walked left side of Main Street, headed into Adventureland. Saw people could walk through Castle. Was happy. Little line at Aloha Isle, but no worries. Guy behind me asked if this was ice cream. Was asking wife/girlfriend, but I answered. Said sort of, had pineapple and orange flavors. He wanted ice cream. I recommonded the plaza. Said he wanted soft serve, like at Animal Kingdom. Realized it would be helpful to have tell-a-cast for that. Woman in front of me passed flavor information back to him. He wanted to know if there would be cones. Said I was unsure. Got a Dole Whip float. Haven't had one since my Disney vacation in October. Still delicious. Sat down on rockbench facing land entrance. Took in some details, and annoying sound of "Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It" parade. Enjoyed, then walked to Hub and aimed to go through crowd to castle and beyond. Saw Mad Hatter dancing atop one of the floats. Whoopie? Walked through. Couldn't remember which Imagineers are in murals. Wondered which door leads to "Castle Elevator". Wandered Fantasyland. Took in some of the beautiful details of where the Skyway used to be. Lots of lush greenry and levels. There's a clock there too?? Wanted to ride a ride. Lines long all around. Figured parade was over and was getting late. Back to front of park and buses. Boardwalk and Yatch and Beach Clubs buses pulling away as I arrived. Boardwalk had another one come soon after. Drivers changed, first one telling me he'd had a long day. A long day? Two families got on bus. One went to back. Dad and daughter (son?) sat more in middle. Then Dad said "Let's go to the back". Sitting at front of bus, not really showered, wearing "Painting/Pain" t-shirt. Was it me? Enjoyed ride. Drove back to apartment. Saw lovely colors of evening sky (and star) in parking lot. At door, noticed next door had notice in their door. Inside, saw little bags of cookies. We passed inspection! Found Soyoung. She'd called in. Was supposed to work at Yacht and Beach today too x.x Went to change, saw moving notice on dresser for Soyoung. Talks of May move already? Turns out, no. She's got to move this Monday. Monday - Wednesday to be exact. No idea where she's moving to either. And role change not next week, but the week after. Chatted with her a little about Luau area of Polynesian, maybe living with person next door (Soyoung said Korean girl lives there, maybe same depature date, would explain the notice). Made me wonder if I'm going to be getting new roommate. Showered, decided on leftover Hamburger Helper Italian Lasagna. Scooped out from container, looked like cat food example you don't want from a commercial. Still delicious. Ate while reading Shalom's borrowed Haunted Mansion book. Finished with a little salad and V8 Raspberry Goji drink. Delcious. Had nibbled on cookies a bit :P

Need to update on things, like Easter. Tired now though.

Oh, also, got denied my request off for May yesterday. First one denied - can't give time off during final week of program. Second - program ends on the 14th, can't give time off.


Weather was hot today, apparently. But the night time was very nice. Reminded me of the summers of home.

I miss home.

But I really got to get my act together.

Sleep first :P

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