Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Internet? Oh yeah...I remember that

The sky looks different.

I noticed this about 4:30pm (Central!) time today. It's just not that Floridian blue, obviously, and the clouds are smaller. Still, it's pretty, and that's what matters.

I know I've been meaning to update for a little while. Traveling has been kind of crazy. Long hours of driving can get to you, or at least make you really tired when you finally reach the hotel for the night. Plus, somehow, I caught a cold or something of the sort. I keep coughing and now my nose has started to run. Awkward during Church ;)

Speaking of Church, this morning, since we were in Macon, my family and I found a Church that still does things kind of traditionally. Incense around the alter, stained glass windows and ornamentation covering every wall, bits of Latin, and I even saw a woman with a hat and a woman with a shawl. Crazy...but cool, honestly. I enjoy going to Masses in Churches like that. The traditional feeling really connects with me. Plus, they had a choir from Russia named "Lyra", which I had to smile at since I've read all three (four) of the "His Dark Materials" series.

I plan to do a big update in the next couple of days, but for now, I could really use a shower.

We reached central time around 3:00pm today. I realized it in the bathroom at a rest stop, lol.

Also, "Something, something, something, Dark Side" is awesome.
Haha, and we were eating Pizza Hut (Pizza the Hut) tonight for dinner.

Ok, time for that shower now.

The tv is showing a time-lapse of the Chicago coast for the weather segment.

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