Sunday, July 12, 2009

One Month Until Disney!!

Today was officially the one month marker until I arrive at Disney. I realized this at 12:53am in the middle of a Mythbusters episode (don't ask, I don't get it either), and celebrated today by working my butt off.

The morning started out with my parents and I going to Church, my Mom wearing the Disney 50th shirt she had bought when we went in 2006. Of course, of course the radio would have to play The Beatles' "She's Leaving Home" as we drove, leaving me all misty eyed during Mass. Then I had to work, and thought I was going to have a 12 hour shift since Steve didn't show up at four. He showed at five, which was fine, and I celebrated my non-12 hour shift by buying a "loaded" ice cream, Butterfinger flavor. Delicious and totally worth it, even though it was already melting by the time I reached home.

Dinner and then mini-golfing with my parents finished off this epic marker of a day (I lost, woo!) and we ended up driving by the nearby summer fest where my sister was with her friends. We saw some absolutely amazing (and HUGE) fireworks as we drove by, which I tried to capture on my camera phone. The photos turned out...all right, but I'm considering this a prelude to the awesome fireworks + show that Disney provides.

Oh, and best of all, while we were driving, I got to hear Steely Dan's "Rikki Don't Lose That Number", ending the night on a good note.

Now the real countdown begins.

But, seriously, yay ^-^

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