Saturday, July 11, 2009

Random Photo

Today, my Mom took a picture of me. With her camera phone. Which was especially amazing, since she wasn't sure where to find the phone's gallery once she'd taken it. Needless to say, she does now :P

The photo was a complete surprise. I was sitting outside after work, reading a book, and I looked up to see her standing at the patio door. About two seconds later, I noticed the phone, but by then she'd taken it. I have this very stoic expression on my face in the photo, much like those found in old 1800's portrait photography. Kind of like this - - but less dress. My hair was pulled back just like that though, honest.

She didn't say why she'd taken it, but I think she was just "capturing the moment" of my being home and being around. Or maybe she just wanted a photo id to pop up when I call her cell. In any case, she now has a camera phone photo of me. Congratuations Mom and welcome to the 21st century!

I kid because I love, and also because I'm waiting for pizza to arrive.

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