Thursday, July 9, 2009

T-30 (or so) Days

The countdown has begun.

Hard to believe that it's only a month until I kick off my extended "trip" to Disney. Right now seems like any other mid-week summer night. The weather's cooled off, the birds are quieting down, the ice cream truck has done its drive-by. There's even some guy playing a Santana-inspired riff on his guitar in a garage I cannot see. But yes, this is an auspicious night indeed, at least for me.

Within the next thirty days, so much is going to happen. I'm standing up in two weddings, driving three hours for a bachelorette party and then driving back to attend a hottubbing party in my honor, attempting to see Harry Potter, attempting to clean my room (which is nothing short of a lost city of ruins), while all the while hoping to somehow prep for Disney. This is no easy feat, considering I've only had one year of living-away-from-home experience. Even then, the college was an hour from home and I went home every weekend anyway.

No, the move from Chicago to Orlando (or Lake Buena Vista to be exact) is ever so slightly different from college. And yet, I hope it's not extraordinarily different. True, I'm going to have a roommate for the first time ever. And I'm going to have to relearn to do laundry and ::gasp:: cook and clean for myself. That's what you get when you pull yourself out of the living at home lifestyle. But the work/class schedule Disney's saying I'm going to have sounds familiar enough. Well, except for those peak shift periods, when class will be cancelled and one can be expected to work over 70 hours a week.

That's going to be magical, I just know it.

But somehow within these next thirty days, I'm going to have to do what I should've done months ago - pack up the essentials of my life and prepare for the world to expand beyond my current horizons. Stupid procrastination, I KNEW I should've done this sooner.

My Mom's already speculating on where we'll be a month from now, just like she did a month before I took my Disney vacation back in October. She's hoping by this point our family will at least be in Louisville instead of "some podunk little town in the middle of nowhere". Let's make a note of this, shall we? 8:04PM in one month - where will I be?

Let's also take a bet and see how long it takes me to freak out over everything I procrastinated on. Right now, many are saying I'll freak out the week before. I think it'll be sooner :P

But we'll see.

I am starting to feel excited though. One month (and a couple of days of driving) 'til sunburn city!

Note to self: your skin's so pale you glow in the dark - bring sunscreen.

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