Thursday, August 20, 2009

Morning on the new apartment wireless router

Man do I have a lot to do.

I know I've been a bit behind on the writing. It's been...not's been sort of busy around here the past couple of days. Mostly it's just trying to take everything in. I do have a post from yesterday that I'm intending to put up. In fact, I had been intending to put it up last night. But for some reason websites weren't loading. Maybe it had something to do with the signal strength of the new wireless router our apartment got? In any case, it's saved on my computer, and I shall flesh it out and post it. Hopefully right after writing this, although I really do have a lot to do.

For example, my dirty laundry's just exploding all over the place. Now, I know how to do laundry. It's just the adjustment of having to actually see myself pay for it that I think is the problem. Back in college, everything was pre-paid. So when I went to get something to eat and used my dining/everything else card, it was like getting things for free, even though I'm not. Laundry was the same, since my family put down cash so I could do my laundry at school (I think it was the college's subtle way of saying "Learn to do it yourself!") rather than bring it home.

Here I suppose we could have something similar. Disney's given us cards that are connected to our cast member accounts. So when we get paid, it's just direct-deposited into our accounts, and then we can access it with the card. But, until I get that set up, I'm paying for everything with cash. And considering how little I have (thanks wedding expenses!), I've been more than a little hesitant about shelling out money.

Or in the case of laundry, hesitant about attempting to figure out how things work in the laundry room. The laundry area is a separate area. There's a couple low little buildings situated in our parking lots. They're square with triangular roofs; in fact, they look very similar to children's drawings of houses. But it's there that the laundry machines are. It's nice, since it's separated and, as far as I know, open twenty four hours a day. But when I went in there yesterday, it seems like you have to have some sort of laundry card to operate the machines. You also need money to put on the cards. As I don't know if I have the card (or the money), this will be something to investigate, especially now that it's after 9am and the club house is open.

But whatever I do, I better do it soon. I'm working tonight (and tomorrow, and the day after that), and it's going to be my first officially late night. Last time I worked until close, but that was 7pm for the park, which meant I was going to be out by 8pm (I don't know if this included training). However, cleaning ran late, training ran late, the bus missed us completely, and I didn't actually head out until 10:15pm. I'm not complaining, but tonight's going to be later than that.

I'm not even quite sure why it's so late. Extra Magic Hours? Fantasmic? Should be fun to find out :P

I don't know if the park closes at 10pm or 11pm, but today I'm working 2:30pm until 11pm. I'm going to be working at Scoops, which is (obviously) an ice cream place. I think I might be bussing things though, which I've never had any real experience in since I've never had any real food and beverage experience. In any case, it should be interesting.

But before that I've gotta take out the trash and check the mail and make a phone call and make another phone call and try to get some laundry done...

And, of course, I need to finish (or start) updating things on here too. And, whoa, do I need to clean out my e-mail inbox too.

Well, nothing left to do but to start!

Actually, there's plenty I could do to avoid starting, but I'm gonna be good to myself and get to work on things anyway :P

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Oh yes, today's been an interesting day already. It's 12:13pm. I've already wandered around Patterson looking for mailboxes, found mailboxes only to not find ours, finally found it and got the mail out, only to discover that about 9/10 of it is for the people who lived here before us. I got a letter, and there's some resident mail as well. But wow. It's interesting to look at this mail, because I don't know who these people are. I don't know if they extended and had to move. I don't know what roles they did or where they came from or even who else was living with them. WHen we came into the apartment, it was clean and clear and looked as if it'd never been lived in. Other than the broken nightstand that I had (which I re-settled the drawers, so it's ok now). Then to get these letters and to really realize that, yes, there was in fact people here before us, and probably just by a few days, and then to also realize that I don't know them and have never heard of them and that right now the only thing we have in common is that they came before us...well it's something interesting to experience for a morning.

Oh, and then there was the whole "You have a negative balance of $112" thing with my bank account. Yep. Needless to say, I now know how to call my bank, have them transfer money, and I am now counting down until my subscription to Entertainment Weekly runs out. That part sucks (like the whole thing doesn't?), but at least I'm hoping to get it sent here. Though, with the way things have been going, my parents may have to send it because the address change didn't work e.e We'll see

But I still do have plenty to do. Laundry's being opted out of until I can find a local bank branch and get my money issues in order. I do need to swing by the club house and see if they can forward the mail that the people before us (which seems so weird) didn't get. And then there's all the rushing around and getting ready for work. Because who doesn't want to serve ice cream to crazy crowds after dealing with financial issues?

Oh, and apparently, if you work in merchandise, not only do you get to trade pins with people, but merchandise Cast Members actually GET a pin for merchandise.

Oh blah...

Ah well.
Onward ho!

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Back-posted because of busyness

We left off with my going to work for my first late night and having nothing short of a blast with my bank and the financial issues. I decided to take matters into my hands. No, I didn’t go storm a branch of my bank. Instead, I learned what a good time one can have when trying to do bank matters by phone. In short, it was a little disaster. I tried calling my Mom at this point, this being my first encounter with late fees, but I got no answer. Again attempting to get control of things, I found out that the internet can be useful, at least in viewing a statement. It was there I discovered that it was the checks I wrote for the wedding that put me over the limit, and then my purchases of food and socks made it go downhill from there. As if the fees for those overdrafts weren’t fun enough, I discovered that if you have no money in your account, the banks will actually charge you $10 for it. Yes, that makes sense. Someone doesn’t have money, let’s charge them for it!

Finally I reached my Mom, who told me it would be a good idea to call my bank and find out what exactly happened, and to transfer some money so I didn’t have more to worry about. So I did. In-between a few tears (because I get teary when faced with first-time over-draft fees) and on my Mom’s advice, I explained to the woman on the phone where I was, what I was doing, and what happened. She kindly transferred the money that I wanted ($200, not $2 like the phone had thought), and told me about their over-draft protection. My Mom had recommended this, but this particular bank’s idea of protection is to transfer money from savings to checking if you’re going to have an issue…and then charge you $10 for it! Still, for a few moments, I thought it was actually a good ideas, but because my account had such issues, she wasn’t able to do it. I was told I could go sign up at a branch, and that led into the mini-adventure of the phone person trying to find a branch near me. I’ve been trying, believe me. I eventually got a number to a branch that’s close, but not near-by, and was told to call them and ask, as maybe they could help me further.

Note to self – constantly saying “This is my first time having an over-draft fee” or some variant of such does NOT constitute as asking if they can do anything to help you out.

I texted my Mom to tell her what happened and she (after saying the over-draft protection sucked) suggested I call them back. But I had to go to work, so unfortunately it would have to wait a little while.

My trainers for the day were Lucie and Lisa. Lucie’s from Staten Island, NY and has an accent to prove it. I forget where Lisa’s from, but boy were the both of them fun. Both like to talk fast and jump from topic to topic, Lisa moreso than Lucie, but despite their big personalities, they both are approachable and friendly and I found myself having a great time and learning a lot with the both of them. Frank and I were originally supposed to be Lisa’s, but somehow we ended up being shuffled between the two, just like everyone else.

The training modules included one called “Introduction to Labor Operations”, which featured three robots with bad senses of humor and poor comedic timing. It was…entertaining…at least I learned stuff, but wow, that was…interesting.

Frank and I had a test-taste dinner of a hotdog and a pulled pork sandwich from Farefax, both of which were very good. When the other trainees showed up, however, they had ice cream from Hollywood Scoops. This was to be our home for the rest of the night, and boy was it busy. Fantasmic was going on, and the line in front of the entrance kept swelling to huge proportions. Naturally, because it was hot, people wanted ice cream. Apparently they also wanted beer, but that wasn’t our section. But even though the work was busy, it was fun. I worked the register, and ended up having to do a fair bit of solo work, since Lisa and Lucie were running around trying to help everyone else. Lisa eventually told me to get off the register and give someone else a chance, so I finished up the night scooping ice cream. This was rather fun, especially as I tried to figure out how I could make someone a Mickey Mouse-shaped dessert. It was only after we closed that I noticed a sign at the front of the store, showing how it was supposed to be done.

I left that night tired, but happy. My trainers were good. I actually understood the work at Scoops. And I got to taste test the ice cream – mint chocolate chip and chocolate, yum!

Also, Happy 18th Birthday Kristi!
I would've loved to have been there and have taken you out to breakfast with Mom and Dad. Still hunting for your birthday (and graduation) gift :P

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