Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lent 02 - Tigger

Just got rid of a bug. At least, hope I got rid of the bug. Long thin body, six long legs. Stay outside. Today was another day of deployment at Animal Kingdom. Tried Walmart-brand cinnamon cereal on the way there. Better. Thought I was at Island. Found out it was Outfitters. Oops. First time at Beastly. Had to leave to break someone at Tree of Life cart. Had to leave to go to stock meeting. Eventually was there for a while. Met a woman who had gone with her husband (and family) on a real safari in Africa. Had their Hummer attacked by a lion. Chewed tires. Claws on glass and paint in the back. UK guy with them was beside himself, she said. That kind of beats out our safari. Loved Everest though. Woman who was working with me left. Had a one-on-one with a coordinator or leader or someone. Got break. Went to check for sure. Woman who had left was there. Told me I was doing well and had told someone that I was. Went on break at 3:00pm. Sat in outdoor screened area.

While I was eating my sandwich, I heard a rhythmic clicking noise, sort of like the one made by the tounge when a person's coaxing a squirrel or other small animal, only in tune to my eating. "What is that?" I wondered, and turned my head, still chewing, to find myself face-to-screened-face with Tigger! "Oh my gosh!" I said with a beaming smile. He turned to leave, he had a set, and I called out "No, no, don't go. You're so cool!" He turned and waved at me and headed out.

Finished eating. Talked a bit to one of the Villiage Beatnicks about Tiger Woods. Talked to girl named Amy from Mouse Gear. Just about finished with my break, saw Tigger come back. Bounced/ran quickly towards breakroom. While opening door, looked through, possibly at me who was staring at him. Returned to work. Did not get to see the parade, did get to hear it go past. Got a man's three kids "First Time" buttons. They were happy to have them, as their resort had run out and they were only wearing "I'm Celebrating" buttons. Told by one of the other Cast Members to move out from behind registers, that Cheryl (?) was around. Took care of Guests, and noticed near the end of one transaction, some woman watching and holding a clipboard. Took next Guest and continued on. Second break, only a fifteen. Met Brian and Kimberly in breakroom. Kim says Beastly Bazaar is beastly. Headed back in. Met woman who was writing. Mentioned that I did a good job. Showed Chase Tree of Life cart and went back to Beastly Bazaar. Met two guys who work at Epcot - one at Spaceship Earth and one at Soarin'. Ran out of quarters. Nearly ran out of dimes. Tried to get more from other register. Still didn't do much good. People kept coming in and out as park closed. Things slowed down. Thought it was done. No, still more people came in! Finally, FINALLY they left. Rang up a pack of nuts for co-worker, who rang up a unicorn sucker for me. Back to Outfitters to help organize and stock for 20 minutes. Clocked out. Headed back to apartment to catch end of Women's Snowboarding on the Olympics. Got to watch ST:TNG ep titled "The Perfect Mate". Patrick Stewart is cute when he smiles and lets some emotion show o.o Bright, engaging eyes. Informed Soyoung about the word "nerdy" (thought she said "naughty" at first...oops) and discussed whether or not men and women can be friends. She just discovered Family Guy and seems to like it. Need to get to sleep. Work at 9am tomorrow. Weather was nice today too. Still cold, but sunnier and not as breezy. Also, looked up a little bit about platypuses and Perry from Phineas and Ferb. Ferb's VA was in Love Actually?? Perry's so cool.

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