Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lent 03 - Getting to know you

Today was short shift - 9am-3pm. Yay early release, boo having to get up early. Got into park before Guests. Thought it was cool to see areas open and peaceful. Cold still. Got assigned to tasking. Then got assigned a Magical Moment. Asked Cast Member for help. Got two kids to sign Mickey's Autograph Book. Sweet. Sent to Creature Comforts. Must've been downwind of Safari. Certain "animal smell" was in the air and breezing in through the open doors. Was only register for a little while. Encountered woman who was mad because she was told sweet things couldn't be on her snack plan. Was going to go to Guest Relations. This was about 10:30am. Got some cotton candy, which I knew counted as a snack. Found out one of the big suckers has nine servings. Nine?! Only a fifteen minute break. Two of the Village Beatnicks acknowledged me. One told me Tiger Woods told him to tell me that he's "sorry". Tiger Woods big "breaking news" on tv. Break too short. Weather much better. Assigned to center of Island. Was asked a bunch of "Where is...?" questions I didn't quite have the answer to. Pulled away for a stock meeting. DAK seemes to be becoming bigger on The Basics. Back to center. Met a girl who was supposed to leave at 2:30pm, originally 2:00pm, and then still got delayed for an extra 30 minutes. Her Dad played for The Cubs? Got bump out ten minutes early. Officially bumped out eight minutes early. Back to breakroom to gather my stuff. Eeyore hanging out, waiting to go on. Was looking through far-side screen door. Waved when I glanced over while talking to girl named Karen. Beatnicks playing. If stayed until three, probably would've seen them. Wanted to talk to Eeyore, but he was going on. Just waved big to him. Happy to leave, although had to swim through crowds to reach exit. Toni (security guard) wasn't there at the gate. Bummed. She's nice to talk to. Out to car, over to costuming. Changed to normal clothes. Opened car door, heard songs I gathered to be from Princess and the Frog. New stage show perhaps? Testing speakers and mics while I gathered my costumes. Two people at two check-in stations, both with many costumes. Started to have coughing jag. Ducked outside. Back in when I felt better, before another Cast Member could come in. Got one shirt. Back in car, called Mom. Played guessing game with her. Found out she and Dad were at southside shrimp place visited by Anthony Bourdain. Lucky. Decided to go to Magic Kingdom to attempt to see Anthony's spiel. Went to Magic Kingdom in the proper way. A little depressing, being on Main Street, seeing where my family was on their last day there. New paint job for Confectionary? Wandered down Main Street, over into Adventureland. Looked at bare Splash Mountain. Pretty cool to see without water. Seagulls everywhere in Frontierland. Decided to go back to Adventureland. Got into Pirates with a 20 minute wait. Stuck behind group of 6 teen girls and one Mom. Taking pictures, gabbing, throwing out slang like "off the hook". Sigh. At dock, was going to be fourth in a row with three of them. The three didn't understand, didn't make space. Ended up going on next boat. Pirates storytelling still amazing ^-^ Needed food, but what to have? Debated about little pretzels, milkshake/smoothy, Dole Whip. Or could've eaten food in car. Wandered. Not impressed with prices. Got cream cheese pretzel ^-^ Hopped on Carousel of Progress. Enjoyed show, hunted for hidden Mickeys that I could remember. Fun, and I found some! Anthony got back to my text, saying he was on a fifteen minute break. Headed to Jungle Cruise. Got in line. Spotted him by cds. Haircut? He found me in line. Asked if "we" were in line. Just me. That's how I do the parks :P Got to front of line. Told Skipper I was waiting for Anthony's boat. Waited about 10 minutes more. Got on, but let couple go ahead of me. They ended up close by Anthony. Rode Jungle Cruise. Blown away by Anthony's performance. I now understand why he has gsf cards. Now I know what it looks like when someone's just awesome at their job. Es bueno. Informed Anthony of such at end of ride. Planned to leave. Had an urge to see parade. No MJJ today :( Spectro's at 9:00pm and Wishes at 8:00pm?!?! Since when? Decided to go on PeopleMover. Very pleasant. Space Mountain very cool in the dark ^-^

Had a random thought: Is not the concept of conquering a people, something like war, is it not very comparible to sex? Males are about invading, invading, invading, while women are always welcoming and embracing?

This was thought right before going on TTA. Random.

Fireworks started as I tried to leave. Tinkerbell flew over me ^-^ Trapped on Tomorrowland bridge. So many people, where do they all come from? After a while, managed to squeeze my way through. Saw fireworks while waiting for monorail. Magical. I don't want to leave least that feeling. Tram speaker (what's the name for this role?) was named Pat. "M-i-n n-i-e M-o-u-s-e" He's really good at what he does. Drove around back of Epcot resorts, then accidentally ended up almost leaving property. Need to pay attention to driving. But was ok. Explored little bit of Western Way and back of DAK. Nice to see another side of Expedition Everest and Tree of Life from road. Headed back. Called Dan and left vm while watching Epcot fireworks. Eventually called back again. Conversed about many things, from food and roommates to...bat missionary position? Inside for food and putting off of things I should be doing. Olympic skating has something that looks like dance? COOL!! Surprisingly o.o Ten minutes to ST:TNG. I'm such a dork ^-^

Question - do I know myself, more than just having a good guess at knowing myself?

I need to hang out with me more.

I have one of the songs from Outfitters stuck in my head. Why? I don't know.

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