Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lent 04 - Last day at DAK

Had to look to see what Lent entry I'm on. Today was last day at Animal Kingdom. Got up with enough time to eat breakfast and make lunch. Somehow ended up leaving 15 minutes late. Not sure how. Weather was cool, but definitely improving. Hung out with Brian in the screened breakroom for a little bit before work. Watched some characters come and go. Worked at Island today. Signed retirement frame and card before clocking in. Clocked in a minute late. Hope they changed it like they said they would x.x Headed to Creature Comforts. Hung out with part-time Cast Member/former Math teacher/traveler to 49-states-but-Oklahoma/cruise fan. Really tired, still tried to keep the energy up. Had $5 exchanged for change for a just-in-case Coke. Got on 30 minute break. Met Brian again. Got just-in-case Coke. Back to work. A little tasking too. CDS was having issues. People kept getting assigned to Creature 102. Was held up in back office for a little bit, as they tried to find out where to put me. Heard coordinator and manager mulling over amount of people. Eventually concluded Katie should get an ER. A four-hour-early ER! Manager said it was a pleasure working with me (I think. Might've been joke reference when to went I said I was deployed and thus there for their pleasure). Woman, name begins with an M, was there at the time. Said I was nice. Or good. Complemented me with a smile. Said they don't like everybody. Tasked a bit to round up time to 2:45pm. Then clocked out. Headed back to breakroom. Girl there with J name. Wanted a KitKat, but vending machine wasn't taking her credit card. Gave her my blueberry-flavored applesauce. Sat and waited for Villiage Beatnicks to end their set. Said hi to the "I'm sorry" guy I spoke to. Told him I got an ER and was considering coming back into the park. He said that would be masicism. Realized I wouldn't be seeing the parade. Bummer. Walked to front of park, acutely aware that it was mid-afternoon and I and my plastic bag were very visible. Went to go through gate, but characters were gathered there. Daisy getting adjusted. Baloo had chest flap open. Meeko's head hanging out on a pole, Other Island girl joined me while we waited for them to prep and go. Girl came in with Rafiki body. Cool look. Characters left. Girl and I left. Weird, but cool, to see characters out on stage acting, well, like characters after seeing them offstage. Turns out Island girl had just finished training and was put on a cart for her first day. Told me about a Guest encounter. Little girl had wanted Pocahontas shoes in next size. Couldn't exchnage without receipt. Girl had to call managers twice and wait for them to walk. Little girl throwing tantrum. Mom and Grandma were pissed. Also snippy. Wanted to know when Pocahontas would show up again. "Why don't you get on that phone and find out?" Amazingly, teenagers with family told family to calm down, girl was doing best she could. Go teenagers! I'm surprised o.o Found out girl drove too (both of us were going to offer rides) lives in Patterson, building 4, level 2. Maybe I'll see her around again? Don't even know her name. Called Mom. Found out there's been another shooting at NIU. Scary. Got back to apartment. Misako arrived, and I asked her to take a picture of me in costume. Skyped with family. Got to show them costume and jacket. Got to see family and snow!! Went to Church. (Re)Learned about Confession and sins. Hung out in parking lot for half hour afterwards, waiting for cars to go. Was going to get a shake, but ended up not. Had pineapple slices and, eventually, udon for dinner. Both very good. Watched Olympics. Yay Apollo!! Finished off King Cake. Got txt from Anthony asking if we were still going to hang out tonight. Said not for entire movie, but maybe a short visit. Also found out he got another Guest Service Fanatic card. That makes five since he started at Jungle Cruise. About 30 minutes later there was a knock at our door o.o I had thought I was going by him, not him coming here. Surprise! Even more surprising, he had Mardi Gras beads! No idea where he'd gotten them, but his hat was full. Ended up hanging out in my room for a little bit, awkwardly sitting on my bed, chatting and watching Olympics. Managed to throw a few of the necklaces over my head. Found out he's going on a date Monday. Dinner and a movie. About 15 minutes later time to go. Gave him a hug. Was told I give good hugs, like the one on New Years. Walked him back to his apartment. Had to toss recycling anyway. Came back and had a cookie. Soyoung was back. Gave me little bag of Lays. We watched ladies speed skating. Soyoung is now slightly more aware of the words "bitch", "jerk", and "asshole". Last two thanks to my description of House. Talked to Mike on Facebook. He's coming back to Illinois!! Parents really didn't want house and missed family and friends. Mike tried to make things work with Chrissy, but she didn't have much time for him, even as friends. Also felt friendless and jobless. Hooray for returning!! Tomorrow's 3:30pm - 12:00am at Mouse Gear. Happy to be going back. Despite not knowing things, am going to miss DAK.

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