Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lent 06 - Watchin' and Waitin'

First day off today. Happily woke up late. Lazed around for a bit. Watched ST:TNG. Kirk as a Romulan? Flipped through 5 in 10 cookbook. Took a walk and called Mom. Was reminded I needed to do tax forms. Went to computer lab to print out pages. To fax, cost $3. Asked if I had a package. No. Decided to make food. Went to Walmart. Realized on the way I still need to send Valentine's Day stuff, d'oh x.x Wandered around Walmart. Cart veered to right constantly. Couldn't find frozen squash. Only frozen squash I found was cut into slices. Not what I needed. Couldn't find pine nuts. Couldn't find zucchini or avocados. Egg plants didn't look so good. Found pine nuts. They're really pricey o.o Had a cashier who bagged my groceries so they were very organized. Cool. Went to Publix. Found zucchini. Organic, individually wrapped, and pricey. Found good egg plant. Debated over ripeness of avocado. Also found correct frozen squash. Hooray! After phone discussion with Mom, decided on a "I think it's ripe" avocado. Paid and headed out. Helicopter hanging low over building. Saw car with "Just Married" written on it. Going back, near shrine, saw a lot of emergency vehicles and cars pulled over by side of I-4. Saw car, flipped over and smashed, in ditch. Hope everything's ok. Got back and prepared to make food. Phone rang. I have a package. Also reminded the front desk closes at 5:00pm. Went to get package. Broke into big smile when saw "from" label reading "3:00". Decided to wait on opening package. Designated avocodo's ripeness as a ticking time bomb. Making "Baked Stuffed Avocados". Rice not hard. Wondered why receipe didn't mention to take it off flame. Opened avocado ok. Little "juicy", but I did it. Got the pit out nicely too. Mashing avocado different story. Slippery. Fork didn't work. Tried spoon. Not much more successful. Eventually ok. Piled insides of avocado skins high. Cleaned while baking. Got some avocado on book x.x Final dinner verdict once they cooled - delicious! Opened package: tootsie Roll Pop pjs, sweet and funny card, and, my favorite, Cunis chocolate in a heart box with TIGER striped fur on the top. Right up my alley! And so nice to taste home. Left Ralph a voicemail of thanks. Forgot today's Monday and he's in class. Decided to tackle "Almond Squash Soup" next. Had a sample cup once finished - delicious! Txted Dan to announce my eating of real food. Happily have leftovers - we'll see how the soup is tomorrow. Then came dishes. Lots to do. Had Sweeney Todd songs in my head while doing them. Left Dan a voicemail to express my thanks. He called back. Chatted for a bit. Afterwards, peaked outside at sound of fireworks. Despite rain, Magic Kingdom still had Wishes. Awesome. Still more dishes. Dan called back. Talked a little more. Dishes finally done, time for internet. Ralph called back. Chatted for bit. Mindful of Stacy and Maria out in main room. Decided better to talk online. Opened window once the rain had stopped. Had intended to sort music, write Valentine's Day cards, get organized. Instead, had mind opened and blown away by two videos David sent. [See previous post]. Cried, honestly. Emotional reaction, yes, but made some good sense too. Made me feel like it's better if the creative work isn't all me, a bit of a relief actually, but at the same time, felt bad that it wouldn't be me that could take the credit, wouldn't be me who was, well, the genius. Chatted with Ralph, Dan, David. Told Ralph I'm a toon fan. Pondered Anthony's night. Bird chirping this late at night?? Looked up little bit of Phineas and Ferb music on YouTube. Found steampunk group thanks to LiveJournal, and from there, found steampunk merchandise. Facebook stalked a little bit too. Still find it...weird...that Kristi speaks of having a boyfriend. She seems to be doing really well. Creative things with shirts and pins? Have Ralph's package almost done. Need to finish card, wrap, and label it. Need to work on family's cards too, but am tired. Emotionally overwhelmed. Plus it's nearly 2am. Annoyed by Facebook. Friend chat feature blocks new drop down menu to log off.

Have Watchin' and Waitin' song stuck in my head.

Learned a lot today. Didn't do tons, but am proud of the things I did manage to do.

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