Friday, May 7, 2010

Seven Days...

I've only got about five minutes to write. Really, I don't even have that, since I should've been in bed already (5:30am day tomorrow, yay), and I've still got stuff to do. But I figured that today was definitely a day to update, if anything just because I've got a week left to go.

Yesterday, there was a little boy who ran through the men's pj pants. When he came out, he said "I was pretending to be a dress". Awesome ^-^

Today, I got a voicemail from one of my guy friends. The only problem is, I couldn't tell which one it was. It was random enough to be from David, but it almost sounded like Dan, saying he'd gone home and grown a beard. But when I txted Dan later to ask for a photo, he said he hadn't grown a beard. I tried David next, so let's see if he responds.

Tonight I've been busy trying to find a hotel to stay in once my program ends. It's difficult, since I have to factor in needing a fridge and microwave, needing internet (gotta have that internet), and a breakfast (continental or otherwise) would be nice. Not to mention proximity to WDW in case I can work, and also in case I can still get into the parks.

I'm just...amazed...I guess...that my college program's winding down. I've been txting Rebecca and she remarked that I've been trying my damnest not to come back. That's not the case, I DO want to go home, but I must confess there's definitely a sense of regret in leaving. There's still so much I wanted to do. And to have a job right now would be a very, VERY good thing. But I've always felt down about leaving Disney.

Finally, today I got the tasking assignment of cleaning all the mirrors in the store. It wasn't too bad, although I had to use wipes instead of a cleaning spray, and then follow up with a paper towel. I discovered (though I already had known) that the hat trees have little mirrors on them too. Doing the work reminded me of wiping the doors at Blockbuster. I don't think I want to do that. Again. But I need to get a good solid hold on my future, and that's been a little difficult.

I even briefly considered taking up my Dad's offer of going to x-ray school, if just to have a job. But to miss out on all the possibilities of a creative Maybe for a little bit it would be interesting to do x-ray, but that's not for me.

I want to be able to sit down and actually update about all the craziness that's gone on. Going to World of Disney, my struggles with trying to figure out how to go seasonal, my trying to get my GSF on my card, trying to pack up and figure out how to get things organized and ready to go. Lots to write about, but it's been a little busy lately.

But I did just want to commemorate this day. In one week's time, I'll no longer be on the college program.

I can't believe it.

But for now, I think it's time to get to bed.

And maybe tomorrow I'll listen to that voicemail again ^-^;

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