Thursday, March 31, 2011



No, really, hi! Hi there! How are you? Remember me?

I'm pretty sure I'm getting the "...and you are?" stare.

Yep, well, hello anyway. It's Katie80, and I've recently remembered that I have blogging to do.

I know, I know, it's been, what, ages since I've written? Since last August? Yeah...

Well, let's keep this simple then.

Hello. I'm very sorry I haven't written in the longest time. After leaving Disney, I came home, sat around for a couple of months trying to figure things out in my life. I worked for free on a movie, and later, for free on a music video. A temp company I joined a few years ago called me out of the blue and offered me a data entry job. I took it, and have since been hired on as a permanent employee.

But who cares about that? That's boring right? Except for the movie/music video part. This blog's about me going to Disney, and Disney in my life in general. So how about some of that?

Since I last wrote, I did end up going back to WDW to work for a couple of days as a seasonal Cast Member. And that trip, well that had some special surprises to it.

But wouldn't you know it, it took me a while to get back to this blog (needed log-in information, can you believe it? How sad), and unfortunately, I've got to head to work now. But, hopefully, within the next week or so, I'll be able to rustle up a little free time for blogging, and share with you the tale of my return to WDW.

But, I am here, I am still attempting to figure out things in my life, and I still love Disney :P

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I've been thinking about getting back to this blog for the past couple of days, but I finally managed to be convinced to do so when iTunes played "Down" by Jay Sean ft. Lil Wayne, and I remembered that a guy from Sunset had sung this. I realized that, sadly, though I talked to the guy a lot, I can't quite remember his name right now x.x It's just a few feet from the tip of my tongue, but it's just not coming to me right now.



Anyway, I figured I could come onto the blog and try to look it up. But then I realized I had to go to work, and more importantly, that I really, REALLY need to update this with Disney awesomeness.

But that comes later. Work now.

See ya in a week (or two, knowing me, lol)

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