Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Contact: Disney style

Greetings once aga-was that a yellow butterfly??

Oooh, I think it was!!

Spring is starting to get into full swing here. The weather's getting nicer, although it's still kind of chilly, and everywhere the grass is starting to turn green and thick. On Sunday, just a few days ago, the temperature was actually in the low 80s! That was pretty crazy. Sitting in the car with my Dad, I discovered I wanted the air conditioner on. Haven't had to do that in a while, lol.

As promised, I'm back to write about the little bits of Disney experiences in my life. Looking back over the past couple of entries, it's kind of sad to see that, after coming back home, my writing just kind of fell off. I didn't even really write about the day that I got home! I've been pondering the notion of going back to the beginning, and filling in any holes or any missing information that I can (and remember accurately, so you know that won't be tons lol). I mean, that was my Disney experience, right? It only seems proper to write it down.

But enough of this chit-chat, yip-yap, and flim-flam, let's get on with the stories!

The first thing I want to write about happened exactly six months ago to the day. No, I don't have some super amazing memory. Yes, I have a planner with a note written in it, lol. Regretfully, because I don't have that super amazing memory, I'm not 1,000% sure on the details, but here's what I got:

Six months ago, it was October, and I was outside in my car on my lunch break. I had been working as a temp at my office for about a month-and-a-half at this time, and I was getting worried because initially, I had been told that it was only a 2-3 month job. That meant that either at the end of October or the end of November, I was going to have to look for another job. This made me a little worried, because I had done no research into any other jobs, or a career like I really wanted. If I recall correctly, I happened to notice there was a voicemail on my phone. I listened to it, and from the few lines of notes I had written down, this is what I think happened -

I got a call from Anitra from the Casting Center telling me that my seasonal transfer had been approved. I was going to be transfered to Fantasyland(!) merchandise. I would need to be at Disney starting November 7th, and would have to stay for the full period of the season, until January 22nd. And if I can remember right, I don't think they absolutely needed me to have full availability, but I pretty much had to be available days, nights, weekends, and holidays.

The first part of that phone call THRILLED me. Oh boy did it ever. Transfered to Fantasyland? No more Mouse Gear? I could just picture myself, standing in the Dwarves' Mine (or whatever it's called), gazing with all the people as the LOUD fireworks from the castle shot off overhead. Imagine! Working in the Magic Kingdom and finally knocking off working in all four parks! And I'd be right across from the Fantasyland expansion construction! I could watch them work, and if they weren't doing anything I could see over the walls, well I could always look backstage too as I took the bus back to Westclock.

But then, the other part hit me. November 7th through January 22nd? What did they mean by that? My current seasonal situation said I come down when I can, work when I can, and there ya go - still with the company! Did this mean I'd have to go down to Florida all that time?

Luckily, Anitra had left her number, and so, with lunch minutes ticking away, I called her back to find out what was going on. It turns out, according to her, the seasonal requirements for each location are different. So while Mouse Gear has their set of requirements, a merchandise role in Fantasyland would in fact require me to be free for over two whole months. I was trying to picture this in my mind - having to move back down to Florida, needing to find SOMEWHERE I could stay for just two months (and that I could afford too). Working in Fantasyland during the holiday season (especially Christmas and New Year). Suddenly, this job opportunity wasn't seeming so much like the solution to the end of my temp job. In fact, November 7th, depending on when my temp job was over, I might actually have to leave that job earlier than expected so I could make it to Florida.

It was all so thrilling and hopeful, and crazy too. But one thing seemed pretty clear: much as I loved Disney, I didn't think it was right to be forced into a two month TEMPORARY work situation with them. But did I have a choice in the matter? I asked Anitra, and she said that I could decline the transfer, no problem. However, in doing so, I would be using up my one transfer opportunity for the next six months. I'd have to wait that long before I could try to transfer again.

And so, I declined. She pretty much said "Ok" and ended the call. And I had to rush to get back inside to work.

It was depressing, just a little bit. I mean, not that there were tons of hourly roles I wanted in the first place, but it had been so cool to think that I might be working in the Magic Kingdom, and that I might be switching locations. But to be forced down there for two months? That wouldn't have worked for me, not at that time.

I was also confused, and honestly, I still am today. When I went to Casting, near the end of my program, I had applied for jobs at Disney, but I had applied for FULL-TIME jobs, not seasonal. I was looking to get into attractions or merchandise or that haha-no floral job. Sure, I had to drop attractions in favor of floral, since I could only apply for two jobs at one time, but they were all permanent, they were all full time. So why the heck did Anitra say my transfer was approved for a seasonal job? I still don't know.

But after everything was done, I flipped ahead six months in my planner and wrote a reminder that I was now able to apply to transfer again. I really have to think about it, as now I know there are the surprise different requirements for each location, and probably role, but I'm happy to have the option again, I really am.

Oh, and in looking at my planner from back in October, just a week later it was October 20th and I was marking my two-year anniversary since I took my first vacation to Walt Disney World. And apparently, this was also the first day I was getting trained to do mail. What a day that was! But wow, two years? It's amazing what's happened, and what I've done Disney-wise since then.

That's my first Disney story. I've still got a few more updates in store, but I've got plenty of other things that require my attention. I'll try to get back here again within the next week or two to do another round of updates. But in the meantime, join me in celebrating being able to finally Disney-job hunt again.

Hourly and full-time jobs, weee!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011



No, really, hi! Hi there! How are you? Remember me?

I'm pretty sure I'm getting the "...and you are?" stare.

Yep, well, hello anyway. It's Katie80, and I've recently remembered that I have blogging to do.

I know, I know, it's been, what, ages since I've written? Since last August? Yeah...

Well, let's keep this simple then.

Hello. I'm very sorry I haven't written in the longest time. After leaving Disney, I came home, sat around for a couple of months trying to figure things out in my life. I worked for free on a movie, and later, for free on a music video. A temp company I joined a few years ago called me out of the blue and offered me a data entry job. I took it, and have since been hired on as a permanent employee.

But who cares about that? That's boring right? Except for the movie/music video part. This blog's about me going to Disney, and Disney in my life in general. So how about some of that?

Since I last wrote, I did end up going back to WDW to work for a couple of days as a seasonal Cast Member. And that trip, well that had some special surprises to it.

But wouldn't you know it, it took me a while to get back to this blog (needed log-in information, can you believe it? How sad), and unfortunately, I've got to head to work now. But, hopefully, within the next week or so, I'll be able to rustle up a little free time for blogging, and share with you the tale of my return to WDW.

But, I am here, I am still attempting to figure out things in my life, and I still love Disney :P

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I've been thinking about getting back to this blog for the past couple of days, but I finally managed to be convinced to do so when iTunes played "Down" by Jay Sean ft. Lil Wayne, and I remembered that a guy from Sunset had sung this. I realized that, sadly, though I talked to the guy a lot, I can't quite remember his name right now x.x It's just a few feet from the tip of my tongue, but it's just not coming to me right now.



Anyway, I figured I could come onto the blog and try to look it up. But then I realized I had to go to work, and more importantly, that I really, REALLY need to update this with Disney awesomeness.

But that comes later. Work now.

See ya in a week (or two, knowing me, lol)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Arrival + One Year

Can you believe it? Can you actually believe it?
I certainly can't, and I'm the one living it.

So I know it's been a little while since I've written on here. To be honest, there hasn't been too much going on on the Disney front. Well, let me rephrase that. There has been stuff going on on the Disney front, like the Fantasyland expansion continuing, Harry Potter looking amazing, and Disney raising their one day, one park price to $82 (crazy).

But on a personal note, nothing much has been happening. Oh sure, I'm seeing Disney practically everywhere I go. I find antenna toppers or see Disney characters on clothing or on toys. For Christmas in July, my Dad got my Mom, sister, and I Disney window hangers. I've gotta find some time to paint Ariel. We also watched the December tape, and that was fun, and sort of sad, especially since I know I was feeling SO depressed the day my family had to go back home.

But have I heard from Disney regarding any job opportunities? No.
Have I looked into getting a job at Disney, either at the parks or somewhere on the west coast (or Canada, if I applyed for a position at Club Penguin)? No.

Besides watching the Disney Channel, surfing Disney stuff online, talking to Mail Order about my broken ornament (Lynn from the Christmas Shoppe in the Magic Kingdom called me today, asking me to leave a voicemail description of the ornament that broke and that they no longer carry - I appreciate them trying), and thinking about trying to get back to Disney for a vacation...there really hasn't been too much Disney stuff going on in my life.

Which is why today, and yesterday, and the day before that, and tomorrow, and two days from today, are super important.


Well today, exactly one year ago, I arrived in Orlando, Florida, with my family and two cars full of my crap. One year ago. Crazy, isn't it?

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my family and I leaving to go to Florida. I'm still amazed at how quickly we made it down there, especially considering we didn't leave until after 11:00am, and still had to go to Meera's house to pick up my shoes. Randomly, I thought it was funny that I looked at my clock when I was leaving yesterday, and it said it was a little after 11:00am (maybe 11:30am?) and one year ago I had turned back and gone to the right of my house towards Gary to start on my way, while this time, I was going left of my house towards County Farm, all around the same time. Then later I realized my clock was still set on Eastern time, and that I was a little off, time-wise.

The day before that, the 9th, was Anjali and Orion's first anniversary. I still want to give them their ornament, but since Jill's not back in town, and Meera's is still MIA,'ll get there.

But this blog, however short it may be, is just about that day that I finally arrived at WDW. The day I first met Alex Scurlock and went to Planet Hollywood to eat with a bunch of other CPs.

I totally mentioned this on Alex's facebook btw.

I don't know, it's weird. I mean, the memory of that day is still pretty fresh in my mind, at least the Downtown Disney and Planet Hollywood portions of it. I remember, thinking about it now, about the drive down there and, I think, passing Dad when he turned off I-4 at one point. Was that also when we ate at that awesome Chick-Fil-A in Gainesville? Has to be.

I guess the thing that really strikes me right now is how, in thinking about those places, how new things seemed to be. And yet, months later, I'd be wandering around the hotels across the lake from Downtown Disney. Or I'd be driving up and down I-4, picking people up, getting my phone fixed, or just seeing what's around. Or that I'd be working at that really, really, really big World of Disney store for a week. Or having a delicious Ghiradelli sundae, or getting free chocolate, or eating at Earl of Sandwich. Or going to Earl of Sandwich AND Disney Quest for the first time with a guy that I'd meet on my first program.

I mean, thinking about that, it's so...weird. Like, I remember how new things seemed. How I was happy to be at World of Disney and seeing Disney stuff around me. And now I think about all the stuff I did there, how I went to Downtown Disney and worked there and drove those roads and parked by there, and got coffee creamer and a candy bar from the Hess across the street, that I KNEW those roads, both around Downtown Disney and Crossroads and multiple ways to get to Magic Kingdom, both on-property and not.

It's just weird. Like, and yeah, I know I'm saying like a lot, but like, if I was able to tell myself that day that this would all seem familiar, that I would know and do so much stuff in just this area (and that doesn't even compare to what I'd be doing on the rest of the property!), well, I kind of have to wonder what I would've thought of it. Because as I recall, my concerns that night were meeting Alex, seeing what she was like, trying to adjust to the other CPs, trying to figure out what I'd want to eat at Planet Hollywood, trying to figure out what time I could leave and how I could leave to go meet my family.

Maybe it would've been a little much to know I was going to explore that area a bit. That I was going to work at World of Disney. That I was going to be staying longer than the 4 1/2 months I though I was facing at the time.

It probably also would have been a little much to meet a slightly older version of myself. The after-the-college-program version of myself.

But it is funny, in a non-haha-but-still-haha sort of way, that back then, things were new and I was adjusting and facing all of these new feelings and locations and little challenges (what to order that isn't friggen expensive?? How loud does it really have to be in here?? Did that guy say he's Goofy? How do I get to know him??). And to think that I'd be doing all sorts of stuff in and around that area within the next nine months. And that, one year later, I'd be sitting at my Mom's computer, having lost weight and gotten almost all of it back, having tried a DQ blue-raspberry-dipped ice cream cone, having my Uncle Kenny in the hospital for a bleeding ulcer, and enjoying a day off from working on the first 3D live action film shot in Illinois.

Yeah, all that knowledge might've been a little much for that night.

But to be honest, thinking about this stuff makes me feel sort of sad too. Sad because I know that, back then, my family was going to be heading back home, and I wouldn't be going with them. Not for a little while.

But it makes me sad also because I'm thinking about Disney, thinking about what I did there, thinking about being on the college program. I keep telling my family that I don't want to go back, at least, not to work, at least, not to work there full time and permanently. And I know that going back, if I get the chance to over the next couple of months, it won't be the same as it was. For one thing, I'll have to rent a car. It's like I've already reached the point where all the stress and craziness and shit of being a Disney CP has become a little glossed over in my mind. Like, I know about the "fun" I had, trying to go seasonal for example, but now the whole experience is reflected in my mind as something I enjoyed...something I miss.

But, well, we'll see.

Meanwhile, some things never change, and Mom wants to get on the computer, so off I go.

I will say this, though. It's good to have these memories. It's good to think about these things. And I'm glad I'm celebrating this anniversary, and the anniversary of the other days as well.

And, on a fun side note, I downloaded a couple songs from iTunes yesterday. I got the "Hey Hey Mickey" song, the Mickey Mouse Club March piano song, and the remix of Topsy Turvy. In short, I've got a little bit of Mouse Gear on my computer now.


My Mom got to hear the "Hey Hey Mickey" song today. She's not a big fan :P

And she's telling me that some woman is suing Disney because she feels Donald groped her.

Yep, there's not a lot of Disney in my life, but I'm glad when there is.

Though I still think I don't want to go back there and work full time :P

Happy Arrival (day before CP arrival) Anniversary ^-^

P.S. - when tagging this entry, I realized, I never did get to a movie at Downtown Disney. Well, that's got to be taken care of!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I can't believe I'm quoting this but...

"Do or do not. There is no try."

Lol, it's been another couple of days since I've posted on here, hasn't it?

I know, I know, I need to update. I'm getting there. I'm actually planning to write a little more when I'm not online, and then just posting it here when I can get on. It's hard getting used to no wireless, having to take turns to get online on one computer. But, honestly, I'm probably also going to update offline because I'm lazy. It's easier to be lazy and still update offline rather than sitting online and wasting time not updating. Wait, that doesn't make sense.

Anyway, let's update. Today's been, what, the third day I've been back at home? The first day I was back, I ended up going up to my room and falling asleep, but the two nights since then, I've fallen asleep on the couch downstairs. Much like I did when I was visiting here back in October. Being home hasn't necessarily been a huge adjustment, but the best way to describe it, for me anyway, is to say it's like having just gotten out of the military. And not that I know what it's like to actually be in the military, nor do I mean any offense to those who are. But that's how it feels to me. I came from this "do it yourself" world where I had to take care of myself and do my Disney duty, acting a certain way, looking a certain way, and now it's like all of that has disappeared. There's food being bought for me. Meals being made for me. Dishes being washed for me, or, well, for the family, but not being washed by me. I don't have to get up early. I can go to bed whenever, go to sleep wherever (for that matter), and basically do whatever I please.

And it's wonderful. I mean, I enjoy not having the stress of getting places, of going crazy trying to cram all sorts of stuff into one day. I enjoy being able to slow down and enjoy myself. But, honestly, it worries me too. I won't say that the Disney College Program was the most amazingly amazing thing in the whole world. I mean, maybe in the future I'll look at it and recognize it for how cool it really is. But I will say that it did teach me more than a little bit about being on my own and fending for myself. I came back a stronger, better person, honestly (and not to sound like a plug for the Program, cause that's really not what this is supposed to be), and I really don't want to lose that.

It's not that I WANT to shop for my own groceries, or do my own laundry, or take care of my own dishes. But I feel that I need to do something of this sort to keep me, well, strong. Coming back here, I found myself struck at how much things hadn't changed. And inside, I worried that I, too, hadn't changed. That in needing a job, I would (and may) settle for another retail job. I'd rely on my parents to get the food and make it and to take care of my domestic needs. That I'd end up lying around in front of the tv growing fat and lazy and, essentially, destroying all that I had become.

Not to say that I didn't appreciate someone else cooking and laying around in front of the tv at Disney :P

But it's just that, for once, I actually took a step towards a better me. I want to keep stepping in that direction. Disney made it "easy" in a sense, because I HAD to do it, I had to rely on myself. But now, well, home is like a test. Can I still keep up the discipline, can I still hold on to the lessons I've learned, without falling back into who I was? Again, it's not that I don't appreciate the food and the clothing and being back with my family. I'm happy to be home. But, for once, my family seemed really proud of me. And, in a way, I was really proud of myself. I don't want to lose that. I want my friends to see how strong(er) I've become. I want them to be proud too. And I just don't want to go back to lazy, retail hell.

This isn't my wanting to be the "independant" twenty-something girl either, although I'm sure it sounds like it. This is just me wanting to still be the good person I've become, to not lose the knowledge and power that I've gained.

I guess this is also me facing a tougher challenge, since, like I said, Disney made it easy since surviving on my own was something I had to do. Here, it's all on me. It's an actual test of my inner strength and will power.

Oh boy.

I ended up going on a walk with my parents today. It was enjoyable. The weather's really nice, and since we're not in Florida, it's not humid, hooray! I couldn't help but think, as I walked, about how I used to walk all around the parks. That my exercise came from rushing to the next big ride, exploring the next resort, or more commonly, running around at work. I found myself missing the exploration of the resorts, and thinking about how Disney keeps people moving by having so many interesting things to explore in the parks, you can't help but just keep continuing forward.

But it was nice being out with my parents. We stopped at a park and I got to hear large bunches of trees rustling in the breeze. I got to hear dogs barking and see some of them playing with each other. It's all so familiar, and yet how weird to think I was without it all for a little over nine months.

Now, of course, I'm onto the projects. This is in my typical fashion. I get inspired to do something, in this case cleaning, and I attempt to tackle it and make it happen. Normally, however, I peter out. This is where I've got to try harder, where I've got to make it happen. Not that I didn't do the same exact thing at Disney, cause I did. I tried to clean and I ended up putting things in boxes and then just stopping. But since I was a little more organized and disciplined at Disney, my stopping mattered, it just wouldn't matter as much as it does here, where I've got to stick to it all on my own.

I'm still unpacking, by the way. I, with some early-morning help from my Mom, managed to tackle most of my laundry. I've still got the fancier clothes in a suitcase, but those'll have to wait until I can reach my closet. I've heard that before. Now I've got to make it happen. But yeah, I'm still trying to find places for things and, today, separating out what items will be packed in my "apartment boxes" - those boxes containing essential-for-living-on-your-own items like my garbage can, or silverware, or towels.

However, I've also been toying with the idea of watching a movie tonight :P

In short, it's great to be home. But now, I've got to keep up with the lessons that I've learned, and help myself take that next big step: a career.

Yeah, that's the big one. And that's what I've got to do.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Internet? Oh yeah...I remember that

The sky looks different.

I noticed this about 4:30pm (Central!) time today. It's just not that Floridian blue, obviously, and the clouds are smaller. Still, it's pretty, and that's what matters.

I know I've been meaning to update for a little while. Traveling has been kind of crazy. Long hours of driving can get to you, or at least make you really tired when you finally reach the hotel for the night. Plus, somehow, I caught a cold or something of the sort. I keep coughing and now my nose has started to run. Awkward during Church ;)

Speaking of Church, this morning, since we were in Macon, my family and I found a Church that still does things kind of traditionally. Incense around the alter, stained glass windows and ornamentation covering every wall, bits of Latin, and I even saw a woman with a hat and a woman with a shawl. Crazy...but cool, honestly. I enjoy going to Masses in Churches like that. The traditional feeling really connects with me. Plus, they had a choir from Russia named "Lyra", which I had to smile at since I've read all three (four) of the "His Dark Materials" series.

I plan to do a big update in the next couple of days, but for now, I could really use a shower.

We reached central time around 3:00pm today. I realized it in the bathroom at a rest stop, lol.

Also, "Something, something, something, Dark Side" is awesome.
Haha, and we were eating Pizza Hut (Pizza the Hut) tonight for dinner.

Ok, time for that shower now.

The tv is showing a time-lapse of the Chicago coast for the weather segment.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Interview Day

McDonald's for breakfast.

Got to go to Animal Kingdom with my family today. It was only for an hour, due to when we got up and when my interview was scheduled. Mom and Kristi rode Expedition Everest four times in a row. Dad and I went to go see Festival of The Lion King. Amazing ^-^ Can't believe the last time I saw it was 1999. We were the lions. Simba was cool ^-^ Despite Mom getting Fast Passes for Dinosaur, we headed back to the hotel so I could get ready for my floral interview. "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids" was on tv. Awesome to see that movie again. I went to Casting for my interview. Filled out a little paperwork (had to get the white-out, forgot to list that I'm seasonal in my work experience, oops) and then waited. And waited. And waited. Watched a video about being a Disney Cast Member a couple of times. Picked up a "Real Simple" magazine. Learned I'm right down the middle between left brain and right brain, at least in regards to organization. Also learned new hair styles and picked up job tips. After an hour and a half, Carlos called me. We went to his office, he checked over my information, I told him about applying for floral, he asked me what experience I had in floral, I replied I had none...and that was pretty much it. He said I was still on the list for Merchandise and Attractions.


Drove back. Maid was in room. Went down to pool and met family while in interview clothes. Changed and hopped in pool for a bit. So nice ^-^ Decided on Cici's for dinner. Saw a sign they were hiring. Considered it...just for a moment. Kristi saw a guy that looked almost exactly like her boyfriend Kyle. She kept trying to get photos of him. Finally, I walked up to him with her, explained to him we wanted a picture, showed him Kyle to prove it, and got the photo. Apparently his girlfriend was very curious as to what was going on. I got to have pizza with random ranch dressing on it. Also finally got to try the macaroni pizza. Delicious!

Went to Magic Kingdom. Dad drove, but I still got to flash my id. Parked in Minnie and walked. Did Fast Pass for Pooh, went on Small World, Philharmagic, Peter Pan, Snow White (family had never done it before - they agreed it really IS scary) and Pooh. Family went to watch fireworks. I tried to catch Tink backstage. Too windy for her to fly tonight I guess. Hoofed it back to Fantasyland to be in the middle of the firework action. Met family in Tomorrowland and waited around for the crowds to leave. Discovered Tomorrowland neon turns red at night. Saw final castle sparkles and colors and heard last announcement around 10:40pm. Got a photopass shot in front of castle. Wandered through shops and headed out. Waited by flower Mickey for a bit. Line for Express monorail crazy. Decided to take resort monorail, but that ended up taking longer than the resort. Headed for a brief stop at McDonald's, then back to hotel. I had to transfer my camera photos.

Definitely time for sleep. Just trying to charge various items.

Very happy to be seasonal.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

CP digivolve to...

I only got three and a half hours of sleep last night and today's been a crazybusy day. I'll summarize with this:

Three years ago I graduated college, and now, I've had a Disney baby!
I've officially graduated the Disney College Program, and now I'm...well I would be seasonal, if my status had changed.

I miss Acen.
I have a lot of crap!

It's time for sleep.